Chapter 11

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Elllen's POV

It's only been about five minutes and I'm already dying from boredom. I glance over to Zayn only to find him looking at me too, a lazy smirk plastered onto his face as usual. "I'm so bored" I mouth to him. "Same" he mouths back. Then he motions for me to hold on before reaching into his backpack and pulling out some paper and a pen. He scribbles something down before holding it up to show me. "What's your number?" It reads. I contemplate for a couple of minutes whether to give it to him or not before deciding there's no harm in it and I have nothing better to do. I take out a piece of paper from my bag and a pen before scribbling down my number. I hold it up to show him and he nods while motioning for me to keep it up. He takes his phone out and copies down the number before gesturing to me that I could put it down now. About a minute later my phone buzzes in my back pocket. Luckily the vibration doesn't cause much noise so the teacher doesn't hear it.

I unlock my phone to see a message from an unknown number.

From- unknown number

Help, I'm bored already xx

I quickly add Zayn as a contact in my phone before replying.

To- Zayn

Don't think I've ever been so bored, do you think we could run out again?;)xx

From- Zayn

I wish:( doubt he'd be too pleased about it though xx

To- Zayn

Ahh screw him, we were never gunna get along anyway xx

From- Zayn

Can't imagine why;)xx

To- Zayn

I can't understand it either;) there must be something wrong with me xx

From- Zayn

There's nothing wrong with you xx

I bite my bottom lip as I sense a double meaning behind his text. I glance over at him to find him staring at me. His beautiful hazel eyes seem to see straight into my very soul, causing me to have to look away.


If you knew everything about me I'm sure you wouldn't be saying that xx

From- Zayn

Oh yeah?xx

To- Zayn

Yeah xx

From- Zayn

Try me xx

I frown at the text and decide not to reply, I don't know what to reply anyway. I can feel Zayns stare burning into the side of my face but I ignore it. Why is he so desperate to figure me out? It can't be because he actually cares. I have to stifle a snort at the thought of that being true. Maybe he just wants to find out so he can tell all his mates and have a laugh about it. No. I know Zayn well enough to know he would never do something like that. Right? It's then I realise that I hardly even know him. But I want to find out every single detail about his life. Even small silly things like what his favourite colour is and what vegetable he hates most. But it would be unfair of me to ask to know all about him when I won't tell him anything about me.

But I can't do that either. That would mean tearing down all the walls I've built up around myself and letting out all the feelings and thoughts I've kept bottled up. I would be completely vulnerable and out in the open. It would be too easy for me to get hurt and I can't have that. With all my overthinking I don't realise that the time has flew by and Mr.whatever his name is excusing us. "Finally" I mutter under my breath. "I hope your behaviour improves Miss. Miller" he glares at me. "Yeah I wouldn't hold your breath" I sarcastically smile at him and I hear Zayn stifle a laugh. "Goodbye Miss. Miller, Mr. Malik" he nods, ignoring my comment. I roll my eyes at him before heading for the door. Zayn gets there before me though and holds the door open for me and let's me go first. I flash him a small smile before looking down as I walk through the door.

I text Zack to let him know that my detention's finished and that I'm ready for him to pick me up. I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see Zayn catching up with me. He smiles at me as we fall into step beside each other. We walk in a comfortable silence as we go through the main doors and towards the car park. "Do you want a ride home? We are going the same way after all" Zayn speaks up. "Oh no it's fine thanks, my brothers picking me up" I smile at him. "You sure?" he replies. "Yeah, thank you though" I smile again. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then" he says softly. He walks right up to me, so he is only inches away from me. My breathing hitches as he tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear, before placing his hand gently on the back of my neck and kisses my forehead. Okay what was that about? Only when he steps away does my speech return. "Y yeah, um I'll s see you then" I stutter embarrassingly. He chuckles and flashes me a wink before walking to his motorcycle. I watch as he drives off before sitting on the steps as I wait for Zack.

-Five minutes later-

Zack pulls up beside me and I hop into the passenger seat. "So how was your detention?" he asks. "Oh I just had the best time" I enthusiastically smile at him, sarcasm lacing my words. "Sounds fun" he laughs at me. We drive the rest of the way in a comfortable silence before arriving at the house. "Thanks for picking me up Zack" I smile at him. "No problem sis" he replies as we get out the car and head to the front door. Mum opens the front door before I'm even halfway to the house with an annoyingly bright smile on her face. "How was the literature club?" she exclaims as I walk into the house. "Uh yeah it was fine" I lie. "Will you be going next week as well?" Ah shit what am I supposed to say now? "Um I don't think so, I mean it was fine just not my cup of tea" I explain, hoping she'll buy it. "Ohh alright then, well dinner will be ready in a couple hours!" Well that was easier than I thought it would be. "Okay" I flash her a fake smile before going up to my bedroom. I quickly change into an oversized t-shirt and pull my hair up into a messy bun before wiping all my make-up off. Much better. I watch tv for a couple hours before dinner and then end up going straight up to bed when I'm finished. I didn't realise how exhausted I was until I crawled under my covers and closed my eyes. I immediately become drowsy before I give in and let sleep take over..

The boy with the leather jacket- a Zayn Malik fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now