Chapter 11: Prom?

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(In the morning)

Today is the first day I'm going back to school after what happened. All my friends have been calling me about prom and whether or not I'm going. Their all planning on going dress shopping but I honestly don't know because all of them have a partner who's going with them and i don't. I also have been getting better from my anorexia but i still feel fat.

I get ready for school than go downstairs; have breakfast and my vitamin supplements. I have about ten minutes before i have to leave so i watch television for a while but i can't focus. My minds too distracted by the prom and Jake. I'm going to be such a loner for prom. I probably shouldn't even go.

I get to school and head to roll call. "Kate" someone calls, i turn to see Jake walking over to me smiling. I stop and wait for him, but he looks nervous and i don't know why. "Hi Jake" i say "what's wrong?" i ask.


Should i tell her about prom? What's the worst that will happen? Ok I'll tell her "Kate can you come to the prom with me?" i ask. Wow that came out better than expected. Kate is staring at me stunned. "Uh...uh" she stammers "its fine if your still angry at me you don't have to" i say. "Jake i..i would love to come with you" she says looking down.

She's so cute when she blushes, wait blushing? Does that mean she might like me to? Suddenly the bell rings. "Well i have to" Kate starts. "No i'll walk with you, i don't want Dave to hurt you again". "Ok you can walk with me" she says while turning to walk towards the class room.


While we're walking to the classroom, I start thinking about what just happened. Jake asked me to prom. We get to the room and i go and sit next to Heidi. "Hey" she whispers. "You look happy, what happened?" "Yeah what happened?" Ella, Ellie and Claire chorus. "Be quiet, I'll tell yous all later" i whisper.

Math's goes fine and I'm managing to do better. With everyone's support and my motivation, I've managed to do well in all of my subjects. The bell rings for recess and we all go to the bathroom leaving Jake with his friends.

"Come on tell us please?" Ellie asks. I look around to make sure its empty "I'm going to the prom with Jake" i tell them. "Oh my gosh" Claire says. "Now you have to come dress shopping with us" Ella finishes.

We buy our food and then we look around for a table and I see Jake waving us over, we go to sit down. Jake tells me to sit next to him, his friends raise their eyebrows but they don't say anything. We head to Geography and Science before lunch, they were alright but Geography was really boring. While were walking Jake says "Kate I need to talk to you privately" he says. "Uh yeah sure" I reply quietly, great Kate nice way to make the conversation awkward. "Hey guys" I say turning to the others "Me and Jake just need to talk for a bit". "Okay meet yous there?" Asks Claire, "Yea we'll meet you there" I reply as we turn and walk away.


We head to the field and Kate sits down on the grass looking up at me probably waiting for me to sit down next to her. I let out a breath as I sit down opposite her; I take her hands in mine and look at her, her eyes widen in surprise. But she doesn't pull away "Jake?" She asks her voice filled with concern "Kate wi...will you be my girlfriend?" I stutter. Kate lets out a gasp of surprise, goes a deep shade of pink and turns away. "Why would you even ask me that?'' she asks quietly, "I don't deserve a boyfriend'' and I can see tears that are threatening to spill. I get up and pull her into a hug, she cries onto my shoulder "ssh don't cry" I whisper rubbing her back. I wish I could kill Dave right now, whenever I see her like this I just want to burn him to ashes.

She finishes crying and I hand her a tissue, i take a deep breath and tell her what i've been meaning to since she was in the hospital. "Kate you deserve all the best in life cause your special to me, i've never felt like this for a girl before. You mean the world to me, please stop crying and thinking you aren't worth it because you are. I wish i could do something to stop whats been happening to you. I'm going to do my best to help you no matter what comes in between us, i will never leave unless you want me to" i finish. Kate looks really surprised and like she can't believe what i just said to her.


Jake has feelings for me but why? I'm nothing special. Should i tell him about my feelings for him? He'll never leave me? I think i'm going to say yes and say that i like him too and that i'll never leave him either. "Jake yes i'll be your girlfriend" i take a deep breath "and sorry it's just very hard to believe it when people say they care about me.Cause i've been told that i don't deserve to be cared about or live. At first i didn't believe them but then i thought it was true. Without your help and support i don't think i'd be here today.''

He looks at me for a while before saying ''it's okay Kate you don't need to be sorry and it was no problem" he says with a shake of his head. ''I done it cause i cared about you and i didn't want to lose you. Now lets go eat, i don't want you getting sick again'', he offers me a hand to help me up. I take it and he lifts me up carefully. But he's not letting my hand go and to be honest i feel safer holding it so i don't want to let go either.

We head to the cafeteria and he insists on buying me lunch so after a while i eventually let him. "I'm going to pick what you eat though" he orders me a healthy sandwich. I start to protest about the carbs. ''You have to eat something besides salad everyday'' he says i want to say something but i realise he has a point. We go sit down and he makes sure i eat it all before the end of lunch, i end up finishing before the bell rings. Everyones looking at us questioningly and i decide to tell them. "Me and Jake are dating" i announce. They all look at us in surprise but then they start congratulate us. The bell rings and me, Ellie, Heidi, Claire and Ella go to History. It was a really good day Dave and his 'followers' didn't annoy me today.

We decide to go to my house to do homework and plan all the stuff we have to do in order to get to prom. The bell rings to signal home time and we all head to my mums car, when we get home we go to my room. While my mum goes and gets us some snacks...

Hey guys 278 reads soo happy!!! Thanks for the reads and votes. I'm still not getting any feedback, please tell me what you's think. I decided to make this chapter not very eventful because i felt that there was too much drama. But don't worry more drama coming soon. Chapter dedicated to GettoXXFabXXforever for giving me feedback on my book :) Love you's all and thank yous again. Chapter 12 coming sometime next weekend, don't forget to comment, vote, share and follow me. Promise i'll follow back. Song for this chapter The Vamps-Somebody to you ft. Demi Lovato. xxTilda :)

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