Chapter 156: A Tiresome and Chaotic Peek

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There was a little blackened figure wrapped in blankets over there that felt like it had my little...older sister's mana signature. There were holy knights gathered around, trying to pull the blanket-wrapped girl out of the arms of a distressed maid. Other little children, siblings specifically, were off casting magic, fighting the knights that only blocked it in turn and sent them sprawling into the snow.

     "Kiki Nazira, to me."

     "Yes, Master."



     "I said, explain."

     I was at Hera's side in a moment, staring down at the black barrier holding her whole body inside like an elongated egg. I knew she was inside, though I couldn't see even a bit of her body, because despite her mana signature being almost completely wiped out, there was just a tiny bit of it left.

     It was like a repeat of Magaris. When I opened Hera's Status, her race was full of question marks, her Condition was unstable, and there was a title added there that I didn't quite like.


Abridged Status:

Name: Scheherazade Tea de Libellule     Age: 8 years    Race: ???

Current Job: Child, Daughter, Miss, Student

Status: Noble of Bytriste Kingdom, Daughter of Earl Earl de Libellule and Elizabeth de Libellule, Step-Daughter of Anastasia de Libellule, Sister of Ruadri Florian de Libellule, Half-Sister of Firea-Madeline de Libellule, Step-Sister of Chord de Libellule, Sister of Demons

Title(s): Power Three's Attacker, Daughter of the Kind Demon

Lvl: 20

Condition: Race change was forced, remains incomplete, and has disrupted body equilibrium. Comatose. To Cure: Requires a complete race change and removal of surrounding barrier.


     "I couldn't find you, Master, after the God of Darkness came and took you away. Therefore, I placed Hera into a barrier that would delay her change and allow you to come back and-"


     I placed my hand against the thing, trying to keep my anger only to my voice. My aura felt like it was leaking like crazy, unlike before I became an apostle. I needed to fix that.

     Why is my sister like this?

     "Being exposed to verpultra through skin contact caused her faded Demonic heritage to act up. It is now attempting to change her race, but the barrier is preventing this."

     "Demonic heritage?" I scoffed, turning back to the light blue-haired girl standing behind me. "I thought Demons couldn't procreate. And Earl de Libellule is a human, through and through."

     I already knew what she was alluding to, but didn't want it to be true. I wasn't ready to pick up another mystery and fight to bring a buried truth to light.

     Never before, all the times I checked Hera's Status to check on her growth, did I see anything "Demon." Not even that [Daughter of the Kind Demon] tag she had, or the [Sister of the Demons] tag that I had as well after meeting Aloire the first time. Statuses normally revealed everything about someone, so for her to have had a "Demonic heritage" and not let me see it on her Status for years-

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