Chapter 3

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~We are all playing the same game, just different levels. We are all dealing with the same hell; just different devils

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Chapter Three

A nightmare. This is all just one big, stupid nightmare.

It must be.

I wanted to wake up, but my eyes felt sealed shut. My body lay limp, but my ears were wide open.

I could hear everything, or more so nothing since the room was silent.

"So, what's the plan?"

An unfamiliar voice cut the stillness. I almost shivered at the sound, was there someone here this whole time?

"I don't know." I could have sworn the second voice belonged to Hunter, but the man spoke with such sadness and sympathy, it couldn't have been him.

"She is our Luna, Hunter." So, it was him.

Were they talking about me? Was Hunter going to accept me as his mate? An unsettling feeling sat in my stomach at the thought. I don't want to be his mate or Luna, not after his forcefulness and how he opens his arms for another.

Though my thoughts led me one way, my heart went another.

"Emily can be the Luna."

I think my heart just broke a little bit.

Knowing Hunter would even suggest another woman as her Luna made me want to throw up.

I finally open my eyes, nearly squinting from the brightness of the room. It was a simple room with white walls and a desk in the corner. Looking down I noticed I was tucked into a bed and directly in front of me were two men.

Hunter, and another slightly shorter man who looked almost as powerful as Hunter. The man gave me a familiar smile and I recognized him as the Beta.

"How much did you hear?" Hunter's dark tone brought me back to reality.

I just woke up and he is already yelling, how typical.

"I heard enough, and I remember everything."

He had forcefully marked me. He was rude and manipulative, and most of all he had Emily.

"Good. So now I won't need to repeat myself." Alpha Hunter held no sympathy in his words, not even for his mate.

"You will not be the Luna; you are far too weak."

"Yeah, well sorry I'm not big and scary like you!" My mouth moved before my brain could even register that I was talking. The anger inside me turned to fear, I had just yelled at the big bad Alpha.

"What did you just say?" Hunter growled out.

"N-N-Nothing." I pathetically stuttered.

Way to hold your ground, Rose. *Cue the sarcasm*

"Nothing what?"

"Nothing, Alpha Hunter."

Hunters expression didn't change but he did become calmer.

"You make her call you Alpha?" The beta spoke up.

"I mean, I don't even call you that."

Hunter turned towards his Beta. "Well Jaxon, you are my Beta and hold power. Why would a weak pup have permission to act with power?"

The Beta went silent and Hunter didn't mind.

So that's what I was to him, a weak pup. Beta Jaxon glanced at me and as our eyes connect, I could have sworn I saw a speck of sympathy.

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