[33] Magical ass

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Loving can hurt sometimes,
But it's the only thing that I know.


No proofread, because then you'll have to wait for 2 more days, and my dm is overwhelmed by 'update wrong world.'


   "You need to let go! Go back and find Mr Banner!" Peter Parker shouted at me.

   We are now hanging on the outside of the spaceship, but he won't let me come with him, and I don't want to let him go to Titan alone."

   "No! You let go!"

   "I need to go! Mr Stark's gonna need a backup!"

   "I won't leave without you!"

   "Stay here! It's safe!"

   "Nowhere is safe! You don't understand!"

   I looked down at the rounded earth, so far I changed nothing, should i force him to go down with me? Then wouldn't that mean Tony will lost the number of his team, and remained on earth can't save our asses neither. I should rather go with him and try to fix the part where we lose.

   "Take me with you!!" I shouted.

   "No way! I just got you back! I won't risk losing you again!"

   "I saw the future!!! If we want to win you need to let me go with you!!"

   "No! (Y/n)!!"

   "Yes! (Y/n)!!"

   "Fine!" He said, then webbed me up, we got inside the spaceship just in time before it closed. I expected him to say he should've stayed in the bus. But he looked at me in his Spidey suit.

   And hugged me.


   "Stay... Stay with me."

   Vision begged softly, he meant it for only her to hear.

   Wanda looked into his eyes, she wanted him to stay, and he wanted her to, but he needed to go back.

   But she spotted a footage behind Vision, with a picture of Tony Stark in it and froze.

   "Or not... If I'm over stepping." He said hesitantly.

   She stepped closer to see the television behind the glass door. New York Attacked, it said. She had her fingers close to her lips, muttered in fear.

   "What.. what are they?"

   Vision replied. "What the stone was warning me about."

   Tony Stark, Spider-man and Spider-woman, missing.

   The news said.

   "(Y/n)...?" Wanda asked with her eyes widened. "Oh my god, she's back?" She stared at the picture of you, wearing just a hoodie, revealing your face, taken by civilian.

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