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Lucy was a pig.

No I don't mean it as an insult . . . 

She was actually a pig!

I stared at her like I'd never seen anything like that before.

"Are you trying to fall in love?" his teasing voice reached me.

I couldn't even move my gaze to glare at him. He made me suffer so much for a gross, obese, fat monster? What was wrong with his head?

"Do you hear that?" he muttered.

"What?" I asked too distracted by the creature grunting.

"Birds twittering . . .puppy barking . . . are you in love with Lucy, Pip?"

I hit his arm playfully. That's when I saw the hay and blushed. 

"Look at that. Someone is drowining in their feelings. How do you get so attracted to a pig?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Let's flee before someone catches us."

"I haven't even started with you yet . . ."

"What . . .?" My voice faltered as he started moving towards me. I could see the moles on his face or as I liked to call them imperfections. I don't know why but they made him all the more georgeous even though he wasn't. He really wasn't the poster boy for ads or the gorgeous hunks that I saw many a time cross by.

He was so normal that it scared me to like him.

Yet, he was so abnormal.

Just as I thought we would do something as disastororus as kiss, he picked up something from my hair and flicked it away.

"You need to stay clean Pip. Start making you're hair properly."

Yeah with what? My invisible marble coated comb if that even exists. 

"I was anyways talking about more lives I'd come here to save . . ." he rambled on as usual ignoring me completely. "There's still Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Roxy, Kli . . ."

What was he taking about?

Then he blew a short, curt whistle that rang in my ears for a while. There was absolute silence.

"Now that you're done with the show off, shall we leave?" I asked him.

He just gave me his usual loopsided smiles and then mouthed a backward countdown. Just as his chapped lips whispered one, I heard a noise.

A thundering of footsteps made me hold my breath and move towards him.

Funny the only thing I could think about was what was this guy's name?

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