14- The Burning At Notre Dame

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Layla stood in a metal cage beside Clopin, and several other gypsies. There were dozens of cages all set up in front of the stage, where Esmeralda has been tied to the stake. Phoebus was in the cage next to her too, even though he wasn't a gypsy.
Layla looked at the people around her, many of her friends were in cages. But she couldn't see any children. Frollo had kept them in cells in the Palace of Justice. Not wanting to gain support for the gypsies, by displaying children in cages.

A large crowd of people had formed behind them, that were being held back by the soldiers. The crowd shouted, and pushed and shoved, as they tried to get to closer to the stage.
Frollo stood on the stage in front of Esmeralda, holding a torch, ready to burn her alive.
"The prisoner has been found guilty of entering the city of Paris illegally. And guilty of the crime of witchcraft. The sentence in death.
I will give you the opportunity to recant, and save yourself" announced Frollo.

He then stepped forward and began to whisper in Esmeralda's ear. No one could hear what was said, but a second later Esmeralda spat in his face, causing the crowd to gasp.
"For the salvation of Paris, it is my duty to send this unholy demon, back to hell" finished Frollo.
He placed his torch at the base of the pyre, lighting up the straw, and sending flames all around Esmeralda. Frollo then began to retreat to a safe place, away from the stage.
Layla began to scream and desperately shake the bars on her cage, trying to break free, with no success.
She looked over at Phoebus, who was doing the same, their eyes met and they both stopped fighting. Realising that there was nothing they could do to save Esmeralda.

Esmeralda began to cough and splutter as the flames began to engulf her, and cover her in smoke. Tears ran down Layla's face, as she watched the one person, who meant the world to her, struggle to breathe.
Clopin put his arms around her and tried to turn her away from the stage, but Layla shrugged him off. Not wanting to miss any of Esmeralda's last moments.
When Esmeralda lost conciousness, Layla realised that she couldn't watch anymore.

Layla looked up at the cathedral in despair, praying for a miracle. She had never been a religious person before, but she began to say a silent prayer, begging for Esmeralda's life. Just as she was about to look back to the pyer, she saw a shape flying down from one of the towers of Notre Dame.
She blinked twice, believing that she had imagined it. But as it got closer, she saw that the figure was real. It was Quasimodo. He swung down, with a rope in one hand, heading towards the stage.
Confirming that he was real, members of the crowd began to point and shout, as they too saw Quasi, swinging down from the cathedral. He landed in front of the pyre, and began to quickly untie Esmeralda, before the guards reached him.
Throwing Esmeralda over his shoulder, he began to swing on the rope once again, as he made his way up Notre Dame. When he reached the top safely, he raised Esmeralda above his head, and started to shout at the top if his voice, as the crowd cheered.
"Sanctuary! Sanctuary!".

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