talk: 19

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"So you wanna talk about it?" Taehyung asked, seating himself beside Jungkook.

"About what?" Jungkook replied, earning an eye roll from Taehyung.

"What happened? How did it happen? How'd you get hurt? Why didn't contact me sooner?" Taehyung rambled leaving Jungkook interrupted as he tried to answer the questions that shot at him but Taehyung just continued. "Why'd it happen to you?" Taehyung muttered, clenching the armrest.

"Were you worried?" Jungkook asked teasingly only to receive a glare from the other.

"Of course I was! The guy who continuously hit on me suddenly disappears after texting me ominous text messages telling me he was scared and only answered my texts after a week or so! Obviously I'd be worried!" Jungkook flinched as Taehyung shouted who then sighed heavily.

"I just wanted to know that you were okay," Taehyung whispered, his eyes glossed over and his lips slightly quivering. He was completely overwhelmed by the situation that his emotions were all over the place. His head throbbed with pain when a hand touched his shoulder.

"I'm okay now, isn't that good enough?" Jungkook smiled.

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