Chapter 9

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3 months later

Ding Ding! The microwave said as the popcorn was ready. Blake was over and we had a movie night.

"I got it." He said as he got off of the couch. I thought about if it where like this every night, if we where married. I have thought about running away with him a couple times, but people only do that in Disney movies. Where would we go? How would we get enough money to get a place without stealing? All of these thoughts whirled in my head and I didn't notice Blake turned down the lights. I looked over at him and smiled.

"What's swimming around that pretty little head of yours?" He said as we snuggled closer together. My head was on his chest and I heard the relaxing beat of his heart.

"I was just thinking." I said


I sat up and said, "Blake." He looked at me. "It isn't fare! Everyone else gets to pick how they want to live their life so why can't we?! I don't understand what the point of all of this is! No! There is no point. My parents would rather me be 'rich' than happy! I hate it, Blake!" Tears where streaming out of my eyes as he pulled me closer. I heard his heart beat again and it soothed me.

"Shhh," He tried to comfort me. "Addison," He paused. "You are right, none of this is fare. We should be able to do what we want. But you know what? We can't, and this is our lives. We can not argue with your parents because its pointless." My sobs turned into sniffles.

He picked up my arm and noticed scars. Scars that I inflicted upon myself. Scars that are from a time where life was not worth living. These where old scars, the new ones where in a place no one sees. They where my secret.

I looked up at him and I saw tears brimming in his green eyes. "I am so sorry Addiosn." He whispered.

"Sorry for what?" I said as I whipped a tear from his cheek.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." His eyes meat mine. "Are there any more?"

I was silent.

"Show me."

I stood up and took my shirt off. Scars where on the sides of my body, recent ones.

He breathed heavily and started to cry. I sat back on the couch, and all he could do was touch my sides. All he could do was touch the scars.

"I remember when your sides had no marks on them. They where clean." He said remembering the time he took my innocence. He still had tears in his eyes as he smiled.

"Addison, you are perfect. It hurts me to see what you have done to your self, but its over now." He sat me on his lap and said, "Promise me one thing?"

I nodded.

"Promise me you won't hurt your self again. Promise me you will come to me if you're hurting."

"I promise."

His lips grazed mine as they moved down my neck. The rest of the night was a blur.


I ship them!

(Blake is on the cover, he's the one on the left side.)

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