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[By : hermaline75 on AO3 ]


Thor was amazed how quickly being with Loki did become routine. And yet not routine at all, because Loki kept on surprising him. At times demanding and at others cold. One moment loving and the next sharp. Intense affection gave way all-too quickly to apparent indifference.

He was getting used to being ready at all times to feel those hands on him, dragging him off into seldom-used rooms and quiet corridors. He became adept at stifling his cries and laying a palm heavily across Loki's lips to silence him. Which was all well and good, but he wished they could actually make noise sometimes.

And he wanted to be the one who surprised Loki for once. It had been months since Vanaheim, months since they were last unafraid of discovery. Every footstep in the corridor outside Thor's room made them tense in panic. Their meetings were frequent but still forced to be short and hurried, and though Thor still found them intoxicating and relished every opportunity to be with his brother, he found he wanted more.

He often found himself day-dreaming about that distant time when he would be king and could summon Loki to his side whenever he pleased without anyone questioning it. Their routine changed almost constantly, and though he could expect at least one evening visit per week, if not more, he could never be sure which evening to expect a knock on his door or a body in his bed. He thought of installing Loki in the room next to the king's chambers, adding a door between them, a private entrance, reducing the risk of being caught.

He thought about his future wife, for he was bound to have to take one, and imagined her knowing all, keeping the secret. He imagined taking both this imagined beautiful woman and Loki to bed at the same time, loving them both but always loving Loki best. He pictured a tribe of children, some light and strong and others dark and cunning, all brothers and sisters and all his and Loki's and his queen's.

He wondered what Loki would think of such a plan. Whether he would be jealous that Thor dreamed of sharing him with another, or happy that he considered them joined forever.

And then the fantasy would leave him, as he pictured the horror on some bride's face when he told her he desired his brother and how she would flee the realm and tell everyone what she knew. He could almost hear Loki now, 'Well, Thor, obviously, what did you think would happen?'

So he resolved to bring Loki in on this scheme, to help him. Even though it was going to be difficult to breach the subject, both for time and worry issues. He really needed to get Loki somewhere quiet, away from prying ears. He felt like they hardly had the opportunity to talk anymore. Or rather, they did, but everything they said had an underlying frisson of falseness to it. Jokes suddenly had additional layers. Simple conversation was almost strained, things left unsaid murmuring just below the surface. Their usual bickering was somehow linked to their desire, often following them into the bedroom where Loki would attempt to pin Thor down, demanding his submission in this if in nothing else. Sometimes Thor let him.

They still hadn't had a chance to reverse their usual positions. Though he had always been reluctant with other partners, Thor longed to feel Loki move within him, to have that feeling that gave Loki so much pleasure. And he wanted Loki to be the one to give it to him.

The solution was obvious; they had to get away from Asgard. Not for long, just for long enough.

He guarded his plan jealously, carefully dropping hints to his father here and there that he might like to have a few days away when the weather picked up. Mentioning to Volstagg that an expedition towards the mountains appealed to him. Casually telling his mother how much better he and Loki were getting on since their trip to Vanaheim and how spending time alone together had been so good for them, as brothers.

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