Chapter 17:

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"Mommy, no I don't want that nasty stuff." Kjayy whined as I tried to give him medicine to help his stomach. He got a stomach ache from all that cake and candy he ate yesterday at his birthday party.

"Boy take this medicine then I'ma make you some soup and we can lay on the couch all day and watch movies."

"Okay," he said sadly finally taking the medicine.

I went and put some chicken soup on the stove while I made me some bacon. I crave it 24/7. I was the same with Kjayy. Shay said she thinks I'm going to have a boy again because of that.

I took a ginger ale for Kjayy and a pineapple soda for me going into the living room along with our food. I fed Kjayy bite by bite because I didn't want him to spill it on himself since it was so hot.

Half way into eating my bacon. There was a knock at the door. I sighed and get up. When I opened the door Jay was there.

"What you doing here?" I asked.

"Remember you told me to come get Kjayy. It's Friday, my time," he said while staring at my stomach. I have on a tank top that's raising a little and some black shorts on.

"Oh you didn't get my message?" He shook his head. "I was gonna keep him because he's sick from all the junk he had yesterday."

"Oh. Well is it coo if I come in?"

"Yeah, come on." I shut and lock the door then I followed him into the living room.

"Hey daddy," Kjayy said.

"What's up, little man? Too much candy, huh?"

"Yeah, now mommy is treating me like a baby."

"That's because you are my baby," I said while eating my bacon.

"Let me get a piece," Jay said reaching for my plate.

I smacked his hand away. "No."

"Jazmine, all that damn bacon."

"Mom be eating it all the time, ugh." Kjayy said in disgust making us laugh.

"You shouldn't be eating all that greasy shit anyway while you pregnant." I rolled my eyes.

"I ate it all the time when I was pregnant with Kjayy, I'll be fine. Second, you and Kjayy need to stop saying it's going to be a boy, it might be a girl."

"Nah we need another boy. Right Kjayy, you need a little brother?"

"Yup," he said in a sleepy voice.

When Kjayy fell asleep I got up to take him upstairs, but Jay did it.

"Don't be picking him up and you're pregnant," Jay said when he came back down.

"Okay Jay, whatever you say."

I started watching Matilda. I look over and notice Jay staring at my stomach.

"Stop staring," I said.

"Can I touch?" he asked.

"Of course this is your baby too." He slowly put his hand on my stomach. The baby kicks making him pull his hand back.

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