3.9 The Bitch and Her Shameless Prince

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"Where are we going, Miss?" Qiqi asked as she cleaned up her Miss' room. Her Miss was a really messy person. She threw clothes everywhere and didn't clean up after her. Hah, being a maid sure was hard.

"Shopping" Piper grabbed a few coins and threw them inside a small pouch. She wanted to go around the market and look around since it had been a long time since she last went shopping.

"Miss, I'll go get a carriage. Wait outside" Qiqi brushed off the dust on her robe and ran outside. She also really wanted to go and shop.

Piper took a cookie and ate it before going outside and hopping into the carriage, "Qiqi, where is the biggest market?"

"Miss, do you want to go there?" Qiqi asked as she peeped inside the carriage at her pretty Miss


"Then I'll tell Zhou to take us there" Qiqi smiled as she walked towards the man who is steering the carriage, Zhou.

"Take us to the Big Market," Qiqi said as she hopped on the carriage.


"Qiqi, what's this?" Piper pointed at a stall full of bracelets. She was quite curious since she had seen a few people buy these bracelets even though they were quite pricey.

"Lover's bracelets, Miss do you wanna give one to 4th Prince?" Qiqi asked as she picked up a pair and showed it to Piper

"They are pretty" Piper took them and inspected them carefully. It was just a normal bead bracelet, but they looked very pretty. One was white with a few golden patterns while the other was purple with a few golden patterns.

"These are very much like Miss and 4th prince! You should buy" Qiqi said as she looked at the bracelet. Her Miss always wore white robes while the 4th prince always wore purple robes.

"But they aren't really matching though?" Piper said. Aren't they supposed to be matching? How come they are completely different colors?

"Young Miss, these bracelets seem to be made for you. Aren't they a little familiar? Give the white one to your lover and keep the purple one for yourself. This way you will always remember each other" The old lady selling the bracelet said, "This is the only pair like this, and since it's destined with you, I will give you them for free"

Piper was going to politely decline but when she heard the word "free" she smiled instead, "Is that so? Then I guess it won't hurt taking them"

Piper grabbed the bracelets tightly as she were afraid of someone taking it. She looked at the old lady again and sighed, "But I cannot take these without paying, it would be very disrespectful of me" She grabbed a few coins and gave them to the old lady, "Bye Bye"

Piper walked away while looking at her pouch in sadness. She wanted to take the bracelets for free but then she saw how bad that would look so that's why she gave the old lady money. She can't ruin her image again, can she? Her image was ruined in the first world, she will not allow it to happen again!

"Miss, you should put yours on," Qiqi said as she stared at the purple bracelet. 

"Should I?" Piper looked at it again and pondered. She and Mo Fan weren't real lovers so why should she? But she guessed it won't be too bad since they are only a pair of bracelets after all. It's not like wearing one would tie their fates together or something.

Piper took the purple bracelet and put it around her wrist. The moment she wore it, she felt a small shock of electricity. She stopped walking for a moment and then she shook her head and kept looking around.


-Somewhere far far far far far away-

"Oh my god, not again!!" A young looking lady said as she stared at the computer screen flashing red. It said:

[Two fates have been bound together! Make sure to always keep these two fates with each other all the time]

"Why?" The lady sighed as she stared at the screen with emptiness. She hated her job. Out of all the different jobs out there, she got the most annoying one.

Her job was to keep these bound "fates" of different people together. Don't understand? Let her explain in detail.

Every human being has a fate. Sometimes two different people's fates can be bound together by, for example, an item or extreme love. If this happened she would get a message through her computer that tells her that two fates have been bound together and when that happens she has to make sure that they stay together.

Let's say one man and a woman are bound together, then she has to make sure that they are always together. If the couple dies then she has to make sure they reincarnate in the same place and meet again. She has to make sure they become a happy couple again and it sure was annoying. 

She already had a couple of hundred fates on her hand, why more? She can't take it! She can barely sleep because of this. Every time she looks away something happens, for example, one of the fates gets separated from the other fate. Then she has to run over to her computer and make sure that the fate gets back together with the other fate. She can never leave her computer, ever!

"Who is it this time?" She sighed again and looked at the information on the two fates.

"Piper, a world traveler, and Mo Fan/Alex/Lawrence, a world traveler without memory? Them again! What the hell!?" The young lady almost crushed her mouse.

She remembered a few years ago that these two fates were already bound by a ring. How come they are bound again by a bracelet? This was really spectacular. Never had she seen someone get bound to someone else two times.

"Oh well, I can resign in a couple years anyway" For the third time she sighed but this time it was in relief, but her happy moment ended when a loud beep came from the computer again.

[Fate 20672 and Fate 481639 have strayed from each other. Get them back together now!]

"..." She swears she is like a director that makes sure that the female lead and male lead definitely get together, "I hate this"


Since almost everyone voted for mass release (Thank you for caring 'bout me <3) I will mass release.

I'm gonna post until chapter 3.14 so you know. I was going to post the whole arc but I need to save some chapters 'till later, you know?

Sorry that it's only 5 chapters...

(I'm going to Thailand in an hour, ah I'm so excited.)

love yoou<3

-Yours Truly,


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