😴Falling asleep😴

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I struggle to sleep. Insomnia is just sitting on my right shoulder and anxiety on my left. (I'm gonna write a poem on this or some shit). I don't get an angel. I know many out there struggle to sleep at good times or stay asleep. I have some suggestions from things i do that may help. It's taken a bit for me to adjust but they help

Meditate: Calms your brain from a hectic day. Controls your breathing and thought process.

🍔Don't eat then sleep: this can cause for the fat to stay instead of burn off. It could also cause you to become sick.

🏃Stretch- stretching before bed can reduce tossing and turning. Pains such as in the neck, legs, arms and face can be avoided by stretching. So before hopping into bed, maybe do a few stretches to let your body know it's time to chill

🍵Drink tea- drinking tea is good for the body in general. I suggest Sleepy time tea to relaxe your muscles and help sleep.

Keep a good temp- Having the room at a good temperature helps to sleep. For me, the room has to be cold because i found that when i'm bundled up i sleep better. But do you :)

👍Good pillows and sheets- can't have your sheets coming off the mattress over and over through the night. Wash your sheets and pillows once a week or every 2 weeks.

📴Move electronics- They will tempt you to check Twitter "one more time". Before you know it, it's 2am and you are looking at nonsense. Move the phone to the other side of the room. Try this, every time you wanna get up and get your phone. Do 40-50 curl ups. Your body will get tired.

🔆Turn off bright lights- to help you and the bills.

Don't look at the clock- looking at the clock will increase your impatient behavior of wanting the next day to start already. You'll start doing the calculations in your head of how many hours are left.

Sleep sprays- spray perfumes or there are sprays for falling asleep. Spray these around your room and over your bed before you go to sleep.

Do what you need to do- Do what you need to do before bed. That includes homework, chores, choosing clothing, getting emotions out. Doing this can tire you out and also making it easier to sleep by not worrying about having to wake up early to finish something before school starts.

🌟Bonus: going from your feet to your head. For example, start at feet and then in your head recite "my feet are getting sleepy" and relax them. Work your way up to your head. Once done, take deep breath and relax your whole body together. I've been doing this for the longest time and it HAS helped me :) (i'm weird, lol)


Word count: 465

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