Chapter 29

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It was just sex baby girl)

(Chapter 29)™️🖤dirty


He pulled me out of his car and we went in his house he smirked at me and I tried not to look in his eyes

J/d:awe come on look at me baby girl

I still didn't looked at him I was looking down

J/d:well if you play like that

He sat down and pulled me on his lap he kissed my neck

I didn't moan I was just disgusted he sucked on my "sweet spot" jacob knew where my sweet spot was it was actually on the other side

Jacobs dad took his shirt off and looked at me he was full with tattoos his body disgusting literally...he smiled and sat back taking off my shirt

He kissed me and

 *next day*

I wake up in my bed with Breakfast right next to me huh?

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