Chapter 35

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It was just sex baby girl)

(Chapter 35)™️🖤


Y/n:I think so...

Vicky:make him delete it.

Y/n:yeah I will try but he is mad now that I don't want to kill the it's not the baby's fault...

Vanessa:you're not gonna kill this baby

Vicky:come on we are going to your house and look if Jacob is still ok


We walked out of Starbucks and walked back to my house I opened the door and Jacob was on the couch crying he had my laptop next to him with our sex tape his hand was bleeding and his pants were down and also his boxers

Y/n:Jacob what's wrong

I said walking to him Vanessa and Vicky covered their eyes

He cried and cried even more

Y/n:what happened?....


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