Dead and Gone

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A week. A whole week since John was shot dead outside of your family home. Four bullet wounds took him down. His funeral had just finished and you ran as fast as you could away from everyone. John and yourself had five children.

"Y/N where are you going?" Linda shouted, but you blocked her voice out and kept walking. Tears hadn't stopped falling from your eyes.

"John wouldn't want you too cry." Linda and Arthur caught up to you and you roughly shook her off.

"You don't know what John would've wanted Linda. You don't know what it fucking feels like to burn your husband. You just don't know." You cried. There was one person to blame. It was Tommy and the devil himself was heading towards the three of you.

"If he dares come near me at any point in my lifetime again, I'll make sure he gets bullets to his chest." You threatened. They stopped following you after that and you made your way over to the Garrison, Ada was there with your ten year old son.

"I miss him mum." Your son wept and you wrapped your arms around him.

"I miss him too sweetheart. I miss him too." You whispered. Of all the kids, he was most like his father.

"You didn't deserve that Y/N." Ada began crying again and you found yourselves in each others arms, forming a family hug between the three of you.

"It hurts so bad. I watched it happen, I should have done something Ada." You told her and she shook her head.

"It could've happened to any of us. It's not your fault." She reassured you. The doors to the pub opened and in came Polly, Finn and Isiah.

"What more can we say other than that we're sorry?" Polly asked.

"Don't be. If anything, be thankful that he doesn't have to deal with everyone's bullshit anymore." You told her. Your son didn't leave your side, he didn't want to cry be away from you. Your four other children were with the nanny for they were all under six and way too young to be attending their fathers funeral.

"Linda told me you want Tommy dead." Finn told you.

"You're not wrong Finn." You muttered, he then put his arms around you and hugged you.

"If it's any consolation, after everything this family have been through, he was the one that should've been dead." Finn whispered and you timidly smiled at him. The doors opened again and in came Lizzie, Arthur, Linda and Tommy.

"Y/N." Tommy called out and you clenched your jaw, holding your son closer to you then ever before.

"I wasn't fucking joking Linda. I will kill you Tommy. I swear on Johns Fucking grave you'll be dead next." You threatened and be stepped back.

"Do you really think I intended on getting him killed Y/N?" Tommy shouted at you.

"You know what Thomas? I don't give a fuck whether you feel guilty or upset or even both. I mean, you locked away all of your family and nearly got us all hung, it was as if you planned to kill him all along." You shouted back and he threw his hands in the air.

"Believe what you want to believe. I'm not arguing with you on a day like this." Tommy declared.

"You need to get the fuck out of here." You said simply and he creased his eyebrows and looked at you like you were crazy.

"What are you gonna do Y/N? Ay?" Tommy asked. That's when you whipped out your loaded pistol. The others stood back and let out slight gasps.

"I will make sure you go down with him if you don't get out of here. While you're at it, stay away from all of us. Get out of Birmingham, because I will kill you myself, right here, right now." You warned him and with that, he walked straight out of the door.

"Johns dead and I'm a mess." You whispered to yourself. Life was never going to be the same without him. 

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