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Here we go! Okay, so before I tell you what's happening right now, I'll have to fill you in even more.

Remember when I talked about Daeil? Yup, I'll tell you what happened between us.

So it all started right before Hannah and Jimin got married--actually... Let's make this a third person point of view.

Ready and--


Linnie and Daeil sat down on the blanket and opened the picnic basket.

"But I don't know.." Linnie said, continuing from where they had left off.

"I just want Jungkook to hurry up and give me that ring. I mean, Jimin did it! Wouldn't Jungkook get a clue?"

"Linnie," Daeil said, "you can't force these things. You just got to wait. He'll do it sooner or later."

"But I want him to do it sooner. Maybe tomorrow? Next week?"

"Look at it in his perspective. He's probably out of his mind right now, trying to think of ways to please you."

"He shouldn't have to! All he needs to do is tell me that he wants to get married!"

"What if he doesn't know which ring to buy? Or what if he doesn't have the time or money to get it yet?" Daeil said, handing her a sandwich.

"Well.." said Linnie, eyeing the slice of bread, ham, and melted cheese. Then she took a big bite out of it and smiled in approval.

"See?" Daeil said, "men have problems too, and they're problems are worst than a lady's. Like financial problems, career problems, and relationship problems."

"But wouldn't the relationship problems be a girl's problem too?"

"Nope, it's totally different from the way I look at it. I used to hate coming home to my girlfriend's house because all she would do is complain about the smallest things like nails, hair, clothes, shoes, and jewelry. And even TV shows, magazines, movies, celebrities, even though I am a celebrity. And they get all of that and take it all on the boy."

"Dang.. I guess we girls do complain a lot. That's not even all the things we talk about."

"That's right. Lady's just have one big problem; an it's complaining and blaming others. Well.. Not all girls. Just some of them are special."

"Well, I'm not special," Linnie said and chuckled, "so what happened? You said you used to hate going to her house."

Daeil laughed, "we broke up."

"Oh.." Linnie said. She felt it get awkward.

"Don't think it was a bad break up," Daeil smiled, "I dumped her."

Linnie smiled and laughed after him.

They finished they're sandwiches and snacks and laid down.

"If you were to buy you're future girlfriend a ring," Linnie asked, "what ring would you buy?"

"I would buy..." Daeil said, considering her question, "A heart ring. Where it's not connected. The ring goes around and makes one half of the heart and the other half is barely touching the first half."

"That's complicated," Linnie said.

"Well, it's hard explaining, but it's really simple if you saw it."

Linnie nodded. "I guess I could imagine it."

"What about you?"

Linnie smiled, "a ring with a star, and it's outlined with diamonds and in the middle would say.."

Brainwashed | A Jungkook, from BTS, FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now