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Donovan went back to the club house, eyes filled with fury and his entire being stiff with rage. He entered and everyone went silent, the music cut off and his loyal club members all turned their attention towards him, awaiting his call.

"We ride," he barked and the few men seated with hookers on their laps stood and got their gear.

His brothers could feel it, they could feel is change in mood. They thought he was upset earlier but they were wrong. Their beloved King was filled with more rage than ever before and it gave them the motivation to ride by his side with the same hate. They were blood-thirsty and ready to rumble, ready to get back to their normal runs, like before.

Donovan already made his decision. He rode with a clear mind. He knew he could no longer put her in danger and he knew how to fix it. How to fix it all.

* * * * *

They were at that abandoned warehouse in no time and his brothers made quick work of the guards stationed around the building and inside it. Donovan moved ahead in search for Lina, the place was massive but he was determined to find her.

He turned into an open room and found her there, hanging limply from the ceiling by her wrists, her face bloodied and beaten, stomach bruised, her blood decorating the cement floor around her. She was unconscious, her breathing slow and wheezy.

If even possible the mere sight of her in this state filled him with even more rage and his eyes snapped up to Mike, who had just entered the room to give her another round of beating. Mike was too busy drying his hands with paper-towels to even notice Donovan's presence.

"You put up quite the damn fight, don't ya doc?" Mike chuckled, still staring down at his hands. "Just tell me where the fuck he lives!" he screamed, finally lifting his head up to only see the murderous glare from Donovan. His angered face fell and he grew pale, taking a cautious step back. "Oh, Donovan. What a pleasant surprise."

Donovan took steps towards him, watching as he took steps back.

Mike chuckled sheepishly, tripping over boxes as he walked backwards to get away from Donovan but Donovan never once stopped advancing towards him.

"You disregarded your fathers warnings, Mike," Donovan said, watching as Mike began to panic.

In a swift movement, Donovan reached out and grabbed Mike by his throat and threw him back, watching as he fell on the floor, his navy-blue suit being covered with dust.

"Brother," Leo called, catching Donovan's attention. "The doctor, she's not looking so good. She needs to go to a doctor right now. We'll take Mike back to the club house."

Donovan turned away from the pathetic man on the floor and faced his brothers. He looked at each one of them and then glanced behind them to Lina. Quickly, he gave them a nod and moved over to Lina, cutting the tie loose from her wrists and catching her as she fell.

This woman who always seemed so strong now seemed so small laying in his arms, her body limp and beaten. This had to end.

* * * * *


Everything happened so quickly. Although the constant torture and torment from Mike felt like an eternity, it ended in a blink of an eye. Donovan and the rest of his club ended everything. They came in and killed everyone and took Mike back to the club. Donovan took me to the hospital and here I lay, staring at the white ceiling and slowly losing my mind to the constant beep of the heart monitor.

Current status; two broken ribs, severe internal bleeding, left wrist dislocated, mild concussion, busted lip, etc. Everything hurt. When I was tied up it didn't hurt but now that I'm laying in a hospital bed everything hurts and it doesn't help that the pain meds were beginning to finally wear off.

My life at this very moment was nothing but a damn shit-show and the pain began to grow more evident with each passing second.

"Hello, hello," said the very nice nurse, finally coming in to check my vitals and give me something to make living right now bearable. "How are we doing?"

"Terrible," I laughed. "Pain meds wore off."

"Ah, yes," she commented, writing down my vitals on my chart. "I already got them here for ya. We'll have to keep you here for a few days, you had a lot of internal bleeding and the concussion needs some monitoring."

I nodded, quickly downing the two big pills and watched as she left the room. Her presence was soon replaced with Donovan's as his large figure came into the room. He caught my gaze, still holding no form of emotion on his face as he walked around the bed and sat down on the chair.

For a moment neither of us spoke.

"So...I guess I've seen better days," I finally spoke, trying to lighten the tense mood.

"You no longer work for me, Lina," he spoke, looking down at his hands and then up at me.

My brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"I don't want you to work for me anymore. Don't show up to the Coliseum ever again. The Russian mafia won't bother you and my club will protect your clinic," he explained, standing to his towering height. "After today, we will never see each other again, Lina."

That simple statement caused me more pain than my actual wounds. I sat there, staring at him completely befuddled and confused and then it turned into anger.

"Do you think that just because this happened that we still can't work together as partners? This wasn't your fault, Donovan--"

"Then whose was it?!" he barked, his face contorting with anger. The room went silent and his face fell. "We're no longer partners. Work in your clinic and forget anything about me, Lina."

"You're a damn asshole," I muttered, tears already streaming down my face.

"It's better if you hate me," he said and then left the room.

I hate him! I hate him! He never cared about me! That damn idiot never cared about my help!

I wanted to convince myself that that was all true but it wasn't and I knew it wasn't.

Damn, whatever this is, it hurts more than anything else.

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