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JOSÉPHINE'S FAVOURITE SUBJECT HAD ALWAYS BEEN CHARMS. It was the subject she excelled most in, where she learned the most - in her opinion - interesting magic and it was where she could watch James and Lily interact.

As non-creepily as it sounded.

She liked gazing at the two randomly, seeing James stare at Lily like she had the skies stars in her eyes and the way Lily looked back at him, like he was the only one in the room, although she denied she even looked in 'the toe rags' direction at all.

There was an obvious connection between the two, although whilst one happily accepted the other stubbornly acted like there was nothing but distaste she felt for the Potter boy.

"You know, for every charms lesson this past week you stare at those two and it's a little weird." Came a deep voice from her right.

Ever since the little event on the Quidditch fields, Joséphine and Sirius had been civil towards each other. Sirius called it a friendship, Joséphine called it a work in progress. They didn't have much in common, Joséphine loved to read and watch the night sky every chance she could, Sirius loved to prank and the only thing he did at night was get caught snogging in a broom closet.

"It's just beautiful, I can't help myself." Joséphine answered back in a dreamy voice as she put her head on her hand and sighed.

"What's beautiful? You must be talking about Lily cause it can't be Prongs." Sirius frowned as he tried to see what his partner saw. "At least not with that head of hair."

"No espèce d'idiot," Joséphine glared at the boy. One more thing they didn't have in common was the fact that every second word out of the boys mouth was something stupid.

"The love they have for each other." Joséphine said.

"Yeah I think you're delusional little bird, Lily doesn't love Prongs." Sirius snickered.

Joséphine ignored the weird nickname Sirius had for James, knowing that all of the self proclaimed 'marauders' had a stupid nickname for each other.

"She may not be in love with him like James is to her, but she loves him. Just in a different way." Josephine answered before turning towards the front of the classroom and writing notes.

Sirius sat for a moment squinting at the pair trying to see what the Seignar girl saw. He continued to squint until James looked over with a confused face before throwing a bunched up parchment at his friend mouthing at him to stop.

"I don't get it," Sirius finally spoke. "How do you know?"

"It's the eyes," Joséphine answered as she looked at the Black boy, her own eyes finding his grey ones. "My grand-père always told me the eyes are the window to the soul, you can never hide anything in them."

"With Lily, 85% of the time she's glaring at James, whilst the rest she finds herself gazing fondly at something he's done," Joséphine found herself looking at the couple once more, whereas Sirius couldn't take his eyes off her.

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