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I woke up in a separate room. Hazel was beside me and she fell asleep in her chair. The table in front of her was cluttered with dirty dishes and plastic wrappers. Then I remembered that my dad was here. I jerked up and got out of bed. Hazel woke up and told me to lay back down.

"your dad is fine you passed out and fell into a coma. Stay here I'll go get one of the doctors." Hazel said with a voice only a female could pull off. She sounded very comforting and motherly. I waited patiently while she went to go get a doctor. She came back and the doctor said I was fine and I could go home. I asked If I could see my dad and the doctor allowed me. I ran to his room and he was still in bed. I sat down beside him. He was breathing really heavy. As every breath rose and fell a thousand things were passing through my head. I pondered about the things that could have gone wrong or differently. I hated this feeling. This feeling of worry and trauma. I fell into tears.

Hazel came into the room and hugged me from behind. I was still crying. She wiped my tears. " I'll always be here for you. No matter what is happening or how your feeling I will always be here for you." hazel said this in that mothering tone again but this time it was somehow more loving than last time. I felt genuinely safe and happy for the first time in my whole life. I guess you could say that I was waiting for this day. My mom leaving and something happening to my dad. Hazel walked me home. She came inside and we sat on the couch I turned on Netflix. We barely paid attention to the movie. We just talked about life and how you can always track every bad thing to one choice that you or someone else made.

" i like how i can talk to you about this kinda stuff" she looked deep into my eyes and she leaned in closer. Bam. My first kiss.

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