Cuts and Scrapes - Link

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Here's the one from my other book;;

"Alright then, you scrub. Take me on!" You charge at the Hylian knight with your sword. He jumps back and easily dodges your simple technique.

"C'mon (Y/N). You're better than that. I didn't train you to be like the knights from 100 years ago." Link blocks the technique with a quick swipe of his sword, knocking yours down. You can't really remember what it was like 100 years ago since you were trapped in a shrine in some sorta weird stasis. You had no device to help you recover your memories like Link: his Sheikah Slate. You had recovered a few random memories, like talking to Link about random things, and ordering around a few soldiers. Link had almost fully recovered his memories. He had told you that you were his apprentice.

"Ah, but I am better," you say with a smug look on your face. Quickly snapping the sword back upwards, you distract Link and immediately bring down his guard, where you attack repeatedly until he overpowers you again. "Damn, you just don't know when to give up," you continue. He just rolls his eyes with a and pushes forward.

Link begins to back you into a corner and then takes a sweep at your legs. You manage to jump out of the way, but only barely as you misread his attack and ended up nicking your leg on the end of the blade. His eyes widen in shock as you hit the ground.

"Holy shit, are you okay?" He asks panic-stricken.

"Yeah..." you say between grit teeth. You pull back your pant leg and find a rather nasty cut. Upon close inspection, it's not very deep. You'll definitely live.

"Oh Goddesses, you're bleeding!" He gasps. "I'll get the first aid!" And with that, he's off, leaving you to your own thoughts.

Sometimes, leaving you to your own thoughts are dangerous. You have a bad habit of reading into things way too much. Just like how you think in to how scared Link suddenly was when you were injured. He's probably just worried, but he swore... He almost never swears... You recall his face and how scared it was. Thinking about it for a little bit, you begin to laugh as your mind had morphed it into something weird.

"What are you laughing at? ARE YOU IN HYSTERIA?!" Link shrieks, bringing you back to your body. He drops the box that was in his hands.

"Are you kidding me? No! I'm just laughing at something," You reply with a chuckle.

"Oh, thank the goddesses." Link picks up the box again with big relief. He places a couple bandages back in the box. He pulls out a cloth and places it on the cut. A couple loose threads stick into the open flesh, stinging slightly.

"Oh my god, there's more blood!" Link freaks as the slightest bit of blood soaks through the thin canvas fabric. He applies some pressure, however this only soaks up more blood. The sight of more red liquid staining the fabric makes Link pale in the face. "Oh god, there's mor—," his eyes roll to the back of his head and he collapses backwards. He has fainted.

"Link? Link??" You tap his shoulder repeatedly but there's no response. Why did he faint? He's seen a tonne of blood, so why is he so scared of yours all of a sudden?

Finally, he starts to stir from his little episode. A quick thought jumps through your mind.

What if I do this...?

Once Link sits up, you plant a kiss on his cheeks. "Morning sleepyhead. It's just a bit of blood."

His face burns crimson to the point where steam almost comes off his face. Once again, he passes out.

"I was right. I think that scrub likes me," you grin to yourself.

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