Crowley x FTM Son! Reader - A Great King

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TW - for trans readers, I mention that you are taught to be a queen very briefly in the beginning. It's only two short sentences but it's still kinda triggering (to me at least) just wanted to put this out there just in case. Also a chance of deadnaming, I mention the name Sarah in one sentence, so skip though that small part of that triggers you

A/N - requested by @0pera_Ghost It wasn't requested to be a coming out fic, but I felt like it fit well here.
The King of Hell. Your father. Not something most could say. Hell, not something anyone could say but you. At a young age, you were simply another demon, lowly and sad. Crowley, by some magical circumstance, took pity on you, though he has yet to tell you why. He took you in, as "in" as Hell gets, and taught you how to be a queen. The next queen. But there was a huge problem. You didn't want to be a queen, but a king.

Crowley didn't much care when you preferred shorter cropped hair over long locks or wearing suits over dresses, most of him female-bodied demons did the same, so you had little fear of telling him you wished to be male. However, fear is still fear and it stuck to you here. Today was the day you would officially shadow your father and see what really makes the ruler of hell. You planned on telling him today.
"And this..." your father announced, gesturing to his glorified armchair, " my...throne of sorts," he turned to look at you, putting his hands in his pockets and smiling.

You giggled, having seen this room countless times and knowing full well the contents of this room, "It's a wonderful throne, father."

His smile widened a bit and he turned back to face his throne, approaching it and knowing you'll follow. You did, and stood by his side, trying to work up the courage to tell him. You parted your lips slightly, then pressed them together.

'Get it together, man... you can do this....' you thought to yourself, running through what you'd say again. Your name was (Y/N), not Sarah. You were going to be a king, not a queen.

You finally manage to gather your courage, but the second you open your mouth, your father's phone goes off. He pulls it out and you see the words 'Not Moose' on the caller ID. What was his name? Dean? Crowley stood from his throne, looking to you as an acknowledgement that he'll be a minute, and turned to pick it up and talk. He walks closer to the corner to prevent you hearing his conversation. He likes to keep you away from "the boys" as he called them. Two hunters and an angel, as you recalled.

The second your father ended his call and made it back to his throne, his henchmen entered the room and approached him with papers, speaking frantically about several things at once, but you couldn't catch much due to them talking over each other. Those two should really learn to talk one at a time. Your father stopped them, clearly frustrated. He took a deep breath, "One at a time, or I'll pick you off one by one." They stayed silent, looking in between each other when one decided to speak.

The rest of the day was very similar, even being able to help your father with assorted small things he knew you could handle. Feeding the hellhounds, managing smaller deals, things of that sort. This was fun and made you happy, but left absolutely no room to talk to your father. You decided you would do it at the end of the day, or at least Hell's equivalent of a day, when everything calmed down a bit more.
Everything was relatively calm. Crowley in his throne looking over papers, you standing by his side and watching him. This was it. Now or never.

You took a deep breath, "Father, I need to tell you something," you said, hands starting to quake lightly.

He finishes the sentence he was on and looks up at you, "And what's that, darling?"

You flinch slightly at the nickname, "I wanted to ask you something... do you know what it means to be transgender?" You are amazed that you managed to get that out without stuttering, but you job wasn't over yet.

He turns as much as he can to face you, placing the papers down on his lap, "I do. Is what you need to tell me in relation to that at all?"

You tore your eyes from his gaze, looking at your feet. You nodded shyly.

He didn't make a noise, just processed the information. What part of that spectrum were you on? How long had he been unintentionally offending you? How long had you felt this way? Many questions ran through his mind, some connections being made.

You worried he was silent out of hatred of you. Tears began to show themselves, your shoulders shaking to announce their arrival. Your father, still lost in thought, didn't notice until he heard a sniffle come from you. His attention was drawn to you in milliseconds and he shot out of his throne to comfort you with a light hug.

This shocked you. Crowley was never one for affection outside of sealing deals, but those kisses meant nothing. This hug. This warm, loving, fatherly hug was one of the best things you'd ever received. Your sniffling stopped, the last tears fell, and your shoulders calmed.

Crowley spoke softly so as not to alarm you in anyway, "Please don't think that this changes anything. Just tell me what you'd like to be called and I shall direct everyone else to do the same as I will," he rubbed you back lightly to calm you.

Those words meant the world to you. Your voice still shaking, you spoke softly, "(Y/N). He/him pronouns..."

You did it.
From that day on, most reminded the same, but being called what felt right was so much better. You father helped you find a new vessel. A male vessel. You did feel bad that you just entered this kid, your bodily age now being about 15-19 years old, but your father had taught you early that switching between vessels would be necessary sometimes. You were just... happy.

But you still had doubts. You decided to talk to your father about it.

"Father?" You called out, entering his throne room and closing the door behind you.

He looked up from his papers, putting them to the side to give you his full attention, "Yes, son? Did you need something?"

It felt amazing to hear those words. You approached his throne, stopping in front of him and fiddling with your fingers. "I was just wondering... do you really think I'm gonna be able to take over Hell one day?"

He stared at the wall for a bit, pondering an answer. Looking back to you, he answered, "At this point, possibly not. But you will. I know you'll make a great king."

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