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    Michelle Julia Cumberbatch was born at 12:21AM, Pacific time on November 14th. It took a long time for her to be born, but I was glad that she was born with no complications. They used anesthesia on me, so I didn't feel pain at all. They let Benedict and Quinn in the delivery room. Quinn ran out because it was too much for him. Benedict held my hand, telling me that it was okay, everything would be okay.
   After her birth, Benedict held her and coo'ed her, even though she was still crying. I reached up for her, taking her into my arms. She was so small and red, but she had a bunch of hair. She slowly began to open her eyes. Her eyes... She had the most beautiful eyes in the world. She had Benedict's eyes, but her's were most amazing. I looked up at Benedict and he looked back. I smiled, laughing a little bit. My baby was born finally. Life was okay.

   Michelle and I were finally released from the hospital after a few days. We arrived at my home and I thought of how unprepared I was. I hadn't bought a crib or toys for my Michelle. Quinn took Michelle into his arms and Benedict clasped his hands onto my eyes.
   "Benedict, what are you doing?" I asked, setting my hands onto his.
   "Just wait and see." he replied.
   "How am I going to see if you have my eyes covered?" I laughed.
   "Smart ass!" I heard Quinn call from ahead.
   "Shut up, stupid face." I called back. I heard Benedict snicker and I softly smacked his right hand.
   Benedict directed me into the house and up the stairs. He made me turn into my mom's bed's room and he slowly removed his hands. I blinked and gasped.
   My mom's bed had been pushed against the wall, making room for Michelle's crib. There was a dresser next to the crib. The room was painted pink, but the ceiling was purple. There was a toy box next to my mom's bed. I turned to Benedict, "You did this...?"
   Benedict nodded, "Well, Quinn helped paint the room. But the things were mostly my doing."
   I pulled him into a tight hug, squeezing him with all my might.
   "Ize. Stop. I can't breathe." he wheezed. I relaxed my grip, but I didn't let go. Benedict wrapped his arms around me, setting his head on top of mine. We stayed like that for a while, listening to each other breathe. It was relaxing. That is, until we heard Michelle crying. I let go and went to her, thinking that Quinn did something stupid.

   Quinn was in the kitchen, bouncing Michelle in his arms, shushing her. He reached into her bag, taking out her bottle. He began to feed her, cooing her. He sadly smiled at me and said, "I wish she was my kid."
  I cringed inside. I realized how much Quinn wanted to be with me. It must've been eating at him inside. I stepped close to him and hugged him, careful not to squish Michelle.
   "Quinn, I love you, you know that, right?" I said, stepping back.
   "Yeah, but not in the way I want you to." he replied, looking down at Michelle.
   I heard a sigh from behind me, "Quinn, unrequited love is the type that you should forget. Trust me, I know." Benedict's deep, velvet voice spoke. Wait... how would he know that?
   I turned, arms crossed, "And how would you know that?" I heard Quinn going, "Ooo, he's in trooouuuble."
   Benedict sighed, running a hand through his hair. He turned and slowly walked out of the kitchen, shaking his head. I raised my right eyebrow, my mouth in a straight line. Was he actually hiding something from me?
   I turned to Quinn and said, "Take care of Michelle." then I went after Benedict, determined to know. Even if it hurt me in some way...

    Benedict was standing next to the radio, changing the stations until he found one that satisfied him. It was an oldies station and it was playing The Beatles' cover of 'Words of Love' by Buddy Holly.
   He turned, facing me. He leaned against the wall, his arms crossed. I tapped my foot and said, "Well?"
    "Well what?" he raised an eyebrow.
    I huffed, "Explain what you said back there."
    Benedict didn't say anything. He turned his head away from me, looking out the window. I sat on the edge of my bed, leaning forward till my head was in my hands. Then he broke the silence.
   "Come a little closer." and so I did. I sat in front of Benedict while he stayed leaning against the wall. I looked up at him in anticipation.

   "Ize... Make me a promise here and now that no matter what I say, you will always love me and you will always stay by my side." Benedict knelt down to eye level. He took my hands into his, caressing them with his thumbs.
   I bit my lip, "Is it that bad?"
   Benedict leaned in and kissed my forehead like the very first day we met and murmured against my skin, "Please promise me, love. I need to know that you will always be there for me."
   I let out a breath and softly replied, "I promise, Benedict. But if this hurts me, I will slap the shit out of you."
   He laughed a little, "Okay, Ize. No matter what, Ize. I love you more than anything in this world. And now that we have a daughter, I need you to say that you love me too."
   "Benedict, you know I can never hate you. And you know that I love you very much. I left Arkansas just to be with you. You know that Benedict." I replied.
   "Ize... before I continue..." Benedict stood up slowly, pulling me up with him. He paused for a second or two. Then, he gently kissed my cheek and got down on one knee.
   Wait... Was he doing that I think he was doing? My heart began to race.
   He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. He opened it and uttered the words that nearly made me faint...

   "Will you marry me?"

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