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Parker's POV
It's been a few days since Aubrees first appointment. School started back up and it sucks. Aubree is 2 months pregnant today so we've finally decided to tell our parents. We're telling her parents first.

"Mom? Daddy? We have something to tell you" Bree says nervously after they sit down on the couch.

"Are you getting back together?!" Her mom asks.

"No, ma'am" I say.

"Then what is it?" She asks with a confused expression.

"I'm pregnant" Bree says.

"You're fucking kidding me right?" Her dad asks.

"Jonathan please" her mom says.

"Did you fucking here that Beverly?! She's a whore!" He yells.

"Get out" she glares at him.


"Get out!" She screams and starts throwing whatever she can grab at him. He ducks out of the room and through the front door.

"Come here, you two" she says holding out her arms for a hug. We both hug her and Aubree starts crying.

"I'm sorry, mommy" she cries. She let's go and we sit down next to her.

"Don't be sorry, baby. We'll figure this out, ok? How long have you known?"

"1 month. I went to my first appointment a few days ago"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I was scared"

"Are you keeping the baby?"


"Parker? Have you told your parents?"

"No" I say.

"Would you like me to come with you?"

"Thank you but I think we'll be ok"

"Ok, if you're sure"


We told my parents and they were pretty supportive. Shocked and a little disappointed, but supportive. Now, to tell the person I've been most afraid of losing over this. Ben. I told him to meet me at the abandoned playground. It's become our spot. When he arrives he sits on the swing next to me.

"Hey" he says.

"Hey" I mumble looking at the ground.

"What's wrong?"

"I have something I need to tell you and you're not gonna be happy about it"

".....what did you do?" He asks after realizing the guilt in my voice.

"When we broke up.....I slept with Aubree"

"Oh...well, we weren't together so I can't be mad"

"She's pregnant, Ben"

Ben's POV

My heart sinks as I hear those words.

"She's pregnant?" I ask, pain obvious in my voice. It was one thing that he slept with her, it's another that she got pregnant. She has a part of him inside her. She's giving Parker the one thing that I can't, I think that's what hurts the most.

"I'm so sorry" he says, tears filling his eyes.

"I'm not mad, I just need time to process" I say and walk back through the woods to Carson's car. He let me borrow it. I get in and drive home.

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