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Charlie stared at the housepet. "You-You speak!?" She claimed and fidgeted. 

"Yes. Now that we bound a contract." 

"But youre like speaking? Speaking." Charlie said looking at the animals mouth.

"You can only hear my voice." Gimoire said. Charlie stared at the cat in awe, trying to look like she understands. 

"This is amazing." She laughed proudly "Do you do the normal stuff like a familiar? Like turn invisible, steak out people? Shape shift kind of thing?" 

"Indeed." Gimoire said with such respect "Do you have a desired form I should take?"

"What did my Avus keep you as?" She asked curiously. Gimoire lost its solidified form and regathered into a short fluffy ginger owl. "He liked you as an owl?" 

"Specifically a Eastern Screech owl." 

"Ha! That was his favourite animal!" Charlie laughed at his sense of humor. 

"Do you wish to keep me like this?" Gimoire asked.

"No,no. I like the cat." She laughed.  Gimoire transformed back into the black cat. Her mood spiraled down when her phone buzzed in her back pocket. Reluctantly checking it.

Mom: Granddads funeral is Thursday. 

"His funeral is in two days." Charlie said to Gimoire. The mood plummeted. Charlie scratched the back of her head awkwardly. "We'll stay for the funeral and then, Um I will figure it out from there." 

"Yes Sir." Gimoire saluted. 

"Haha, Sir?" She laughed "I like it!" She jumped to her feet. She walked back over to the desk she previously was. She picked up another journal and read off of it. This journal was information more about hunters. This one was more of places, less personal informational and just where you could find them. "Gimoire, what was Avus working on before?" She asked.

"A Crocotta." Gimoire stated. Charlie paused and stood straight up to think. 

"Really? A Crocotta?" She said surprised. "Thats like him I guess. Hes always been the type to go after psychological creatures." She said walking across the room to the pin-board where some of Avus's old research hung. Some information was left up on the board. She grabbed it and brought it back to the desk where Gimoire was sitting on. "I remember studying these." she read through a couple papers "Any more info laying around here, Gimoire?" 

"Yes." Gimoire jumped off the desk and ran across the room. Charlie went back to focusing on the papers in front of her. Gimoire jumped back on the desk with a file floating seamlessly behind him. 

"Thanks." Charlie grabbed the manila folder out of the air. "So, there was 3 reports in Nevada about a Giant hyena running around the forests." She read out her grandfathers notes. "Great. This is just great. These things lure people by impersonating the sound of their loved ones voices. Easy predator, nice and manipulative." She said sarcastically. "They suck out your soul, and can take disguise as a human." she groaned "They can even manipulate through technology." 

"Will you go after it?" Gimoire asked skimming the pages with her.

"Of course! I have to finish his job. Kill that asshole." Charlie scoffed.

"This is your first job. isnt it?" Gimoire asked ironically prodding. 

"Shut up." Charlie rolled her eyes "Did you always have a smart mouth with Avus?" 

"I respected the man." He said sourly.

"What about me?" Charlie asked offended but found the humor. 

"Then make a reputation, then maybe." Gimoire meowed and jumped off the table. 

"Thats going to take forever." She pouted "Like you said im not exactly my Avus or anything but I still need to do it." 

"Well, I wouldnt do it alone, Sir." Gimoire stated and walked up to her feet, staring up at her. 

"Fine, who would you recommend." charlie nudged the cat with her foot.

"I know of a couple of people. Look in the book of places of hunters. The ones close to Danny." The cat jumped on a desk and placed a paw on a book. 

"Fine." She humored the cat and grabbed the book. "Who would I be looking for?" She flipped through the pages. 

"A place called the Roadhouse. Danny was a casual friend with a women named Ellen." 

"So? How is she going to help?" 

"She can get you a place to stay. Tips and maybe even someone who could help you out." Gimoire walked across the desk to be right in front of Charlie. "You dont have allies. Danny did. You need to remake those ties." 

Charlie was quiet. She thought about what she should do. "You know I remember you, at least Avus always talked to you when I was around." Charlie said changing the subject. 

"You do?"

"Yeah, He said you were loyal." She said "I was kinda excited to meet you honestly." Charlie up from her book to the cat. "I didnt expect you to be such an ass." Gimoire hissed at her snark comment. "yeah, yeah. Well I guess I will go see this "Ellen" See if she can help me out an all." 

"Yes Sir." 

"By the way, your a demon right?" Charlie asked. The cat hissed.

"No, Im a spirit. Danny had more class than demons." Gimoire scoffed and walked up stairs. Charlie rolled her eyes and mimicked Gimoire as she followed him upstairs. 

AN!!// Btw there is an actual episode of Sam and Dean vs a Crocotta in season 3 episode 14 

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