OMAKE - Confession

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When Hyoto got a cold


"Honda... How's Yuuki feeling?" Dabi indifferently asked but to the doctor, it was clear that the blue flame user was concerned about the white-haired doctor-in-training. The older doctor pushed up his glasses and smiled at the patched Frankenstein before looking back at the boy he accepted under his wing. Honda Shion never thought that he would have a son of his own, even if Yuuki was not related to him by blood, the young doctor in training was his son.

"The quirk got him. By this, I can deduce that the core of Yuuki's heart is frozen and the medicine won't do anything to melt it off. Fire can't reach the core either unless you roast him which I doubt you will do. The only way for the fever to subside is for Yuuki's body to get used to the core but until then he will frequently be falling sick.

"Anyway, I have calls to get through now. Thanks for watching over Yuuki, Dabi," Shion stood up and got his packed bag. He patted Dabi's head, who slapped the hand away, before leaving the two children in the flat.

Dabi stood there, waiting to see if Honda came back. After a few minutes and sure that the doctor was not coming back, Dabi approached the bed's occupant and looked down at the white-haired child who was having difficulties breathing and sweating. The ravenette then snaked himself between the blanket and the bed and laid down beside Yuuki. Feeling the movement of the bed, Yuuki's eyes blinked open and his blue eyes met blaring turquoise blue eyes.

"Why did you wake up, you idiot," Dabi said, "go back to sleep."

"Nooo~" Yuuki's voice cracked a little as he whined and nudged his face into the older's chest.

"Yes, you'll go to sleep," Dabi shoved the blanket over Yuuki's head and the sick child started to struggle out of the blanket. He was not being asphyxiated, of course not, Dabi loved the little brat too much to hurt him. The doctor in training wanted to look at Dabi because looking at his face always had managed to calm him down. The older of the two didn't know that.

When Yuuki managed to get out, he hugged Dabi in an attempt to stop the raven from shoving the blanket over him.

"Is there a reason why you are refusing to sleep right now?" Dabi asked realizing that it was weird for Yuuki not to do as told. Yuuki would always listen to Dabi ever since the little brat had woken up as Yuuki. So what was wrong now?

"Did you have a nightmare?"

Yuuki finally responded with a nod.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

The silence stretched but the stitched Frankenstein was aware that his silence wasn't a refusal to speak, Yuuki was only trying to gather words in his head and getting himself ready to speak. So Dabi waited patiently, if it would make Yuuki feel better than Dabi didn't mind the time that passed.

"... There is another kid who looks exactly like me but the left side is red hair and the right eye is grey..."

'Ah... his twin brother...' Dabi thought. "And then what happened?"

Biting his own lips, Yuuki tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill, "He said he hated me... that I am a monster and monsters shouldn't be born."

Dabi wanted to kill the little brat's brother if he did say that which he probably did. The raven was sure because this was fragments of Hyoto's memories, meaning, no matter how inaccurately it happened, the feelings that were transmitted were there. If the brother really did make Hyoto feel like he was a monster and unwanted then Dabi had no reason to forgive the little brat's brother.

Dabi would deal with it at a later date but right now, the sleeping Hyoto and awakened Yuuki was his priority. His long fingers stretched and wiped away the tears that were able to escape and bicolored lips met a burning forehead.

"If you are a monster then you are my monster Yuuki," Dabi said. "And I love my monster so I thank you for being born."

Yuuki hugged Dabi as tight as he could. Only Dabi was able to make Yuuki feel important, only Dabi. That was why the snow white boy didn't want to let go of his stitched Frankenstein because only Dabi was able to be just as important.

"I love you too Dabi..."

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