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I mistakenly posted this chapter in my another book "Nerd is a babysitter' and then, one of the readers voted for it and then I realised, this is NOT THE ONE! 😂

Sorry, you can continue reading now...


"Hey, Jerk."

"Hello, baby."

"Okay, you are crossing the line now."

"There's no line when it comes to my feelings for you."

"Sure. Your 'so called' feelings to fuck me."

"Damn, babe. That hurt."


"Are you free tonight?"

"No. I am expensive all the time."

"I knew, it wasn't going to be that easy persuading you."

"Why try then?"

"Because I have already made some amends."


"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"What did yo—"

"Wear something sexy tonight, preferably red."

"I am not going anywhere with you! Besides, how do you even know where I live."

"I have my connections."

"You fucking stalker!"

"Be prepared, because I am going to kiss the living day lights outta you."

*Beep* *Beep*


Ps- Next chapter is not going to be a descriptive one.

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