Sherlock request - My personal ballerina

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Requested by Tell_Me_3_Things, but anyone can read it. This is what I've been asked to write:

John leaves for 2 weeks to visit his parents. In his place he asks his slightly younger twin (that's me) to keep Sherlock company. Who he knows that likes Sherlock and dances professionally. Sherlock once hearing this, becomes very angry at John for thinking he needs a babysitter. Once she comes, he gives her the silent treatment. He goes and starts to play his violin and she comes in. He doesn't acknowledge her presence and continues to play. She starts to dance slightly to the melody he is playing. Soon she is full out dancing in lyrical and ballet movements. He stops playing, entranced by her dancing and asks her why she came in the room where he was playing. She answered I heard music and I couldn't stay away. And he doesn't know that she likes him in a strong feeling way. He is so entranced still he kisses her and is surprised when she kisses him back. Then in his head he thanks John for leaving for 2 weeks, leaving him alone with his own personal ballerina.

I have long blonde hair, kinda wavy. My eyes shift between a blue green and emerald green. My name is Regan.

A title for it could be

Tears and music


Own personal ballerina

I've chosen for the second one since I liked that one better. Okay, let's begin! ;-)


I looked around the café one more time, but still there was no sign of John. Another man came walking towards me, his face graced with a sweet smile. 'Do you wish to order anything, milady?' He asked. I couldn't help but notice his Scottish accent. I smiled. 'No, but thank you very much. I'm just waiting for my twin.' One of the man's eyebrows raised. 'Twin? I'm a twin too! A monozygotic one, to be precise.' He said happily. 'Well,' I said, 'I'm a dizygotic twin and he can be here anytime.'

The man disappeared when a customer asked for a drink. I was surprised to see him standing in front of me again, this time with a cup in his hand. 'A little something to ease the waiting. I didn't know what you liked, so I just poured some hot water in it and let you decide.' He handed me a box with several tea-bags. 'Here you go, milady, it's on the house.' I smiled warmly and took a nice flavour out of the box, put it in my cup and took a sip after the man had warned me for the boiling water. It was just fine, and just what I needed. Wherever John was, he should have been here by now.

He came in just a couple minutes later. The door opened, John walked in and looked around the café until he found me enjoying my tea in the corner of the room. 'Hey there.' He said and waited until I had placed my cup on the table to imprison me in a tight embrace. 'Long time not seen.' He added whilst I was choking in one of John's renowned hugs.

'What took you so long?' I asked him.

'Sherlock. He can be like a little kid some times, that's why I need you now.' I nodded. 'That's why I'm here.' John made a gesture to the cup of tea. 'Haven't you ordered one for me?' I grinned and told him a lie. 'I had, but then I drank it myself since you weren't here yet.' He chuckled. 'I haven't got time for it anyway: I need to catch the train and then I'll be off. Here.' He handed me a key. 'This is the key to 221B. Don't lose it. I know how easy it is for you to lose stuff.'

I hit him playfully. 'Go and pass my greetings to mom and dad.' I said and hugged my sweet twin once more. 'I love you, you know.'

'I love you too, Regan, though I don't think you'll still love me after you've been locked up with Sherlock for two weeks. Here are some basic rules. One: don't mention the head in the fridge the nor the fingers and other body parts that you'll find pots or teacups.'

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