24 ; protect

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[ art: catnotfound ]

I continued eating (f/d). "(Y/N), if you don't mind me asking, what did you dream about last night?" Connor asked while his hands were resting at the table.

I told him what happened which made him surprised that I dreamed about Misery.

He interlocked his fingers together. "I appreciate it that you told me. Me and Lieutenant are currently investigating about Misery. We also encountered Misery yesterday." He told me.

"Really? What happened?" I listened and paid attention to him.

"Yes. They're very dangerous and smart. They hacked me in a second which made me almost kill Lieutenant." Connor explained. "Luckily I got back to myself before I did." He continued. "From what me and Lieutenant concluded, this killer hated couples, we don't really know anything other that."

I sipped my (f/beverage). "So that means there's a possibility that this android may kill us?" I asked.

"Yes. I suggest that we should be cautious." Connor suggested. "When I licked the android's blood, it didn't told me the model for some reason." He continued.

I sighed and held his hands. "Be careful when you and Dad investigate alright? Especially Dad, do your best to take care of him." I told him.

"Of course I will, I'll protect you, Sumo, (f/n), and Lieutenant. Always." Connor replied.

"Thank you, Connor." I thanked him smiling. I finished eating (f/d) and stood up to put the plate to the sink.

As I went back to the dining room, I walked over to Connor and he stood up. "I think I'll be going up now, I feel very exhausted after the work." I told him.

"Alright! Goodnight ma chérie!" Connor said and gave me a peck on my lips.

Again. I was surprised. "Hey! Stop surprise kissing me!" I exclaimed.

He chuckled. "But I like to do it, ma chérie!" He replied.

"Alright, whatever rings your bell. Goodnight." I said and hugged him tightly by his waist as I rested my head on his shoulders. I didn't even know why I did that.

He hugged back immediately. "I thought you didn't like me surprise kissing you, but you surprise hug me?" He chuckled.

"Let's stay like this for awhile, okay?" I told him, and I went quiet. "I haven't told you how thankful I am for last night. I thought you were dead but good thing you aren't." I said burying my face on his shoulder.

"Ma chérie, let me promise you something." He said and pulled out of the hug. "Nothing will ever tear us apart, alright? Not Luke, not Claudia, not Sergio, and not even Misery." He exclaimed, which made me smile. "I love you (Y/N). So much."

I chuckled. "I love you too Connor. I mean, who wouldn't?" I asked.

"Maybe Gavin..." He replied.

"Oh him. He's an asshole. Yeah don't mind him." I replied and laughed. "I'll go up now, alright? I love you." I told him.

"Please don't hesitate to call me if you're having nightmares again." Connor replied and I nodded.

As I went upstairs, I shouted a goodnight to dad. As I got upstairs, I feed (f/n). Little backstory between me and Gavin.

I used to go with dad to the police department, which was a year ago. Everytime I go there, Gavin would straight up flirt with me with his bad pick up lines, and everytime he did, Dad would catch him and would tell him to knock it off. When Dad does, he'd just say shit like "Get lost!" Or "Scram!". Honey, why would I date someone who disrespects my dad? And you don't get a girl with a cheesy pick up line. Unless you're nice and funny, but being an asshole like that? No thanks.

I also have a few friends at the police department. Like Jeff, Capt. Jeffrey Fowler. The one incharge in the Police Department. I call him Jeff because I was close with him, very close. I used to call him Captain when I was young, but he just told me to call him Jeff. I'm also friends with a girl named Erin. She's around the same age as me but is working at the Police Dept. at a young age.

After feeding (F/N), I hopped onto my bed and and went in the blanket. Slept peacefully.

; 2:43am

I was woken up by my phone ringing. I got my phone and looked at the caller. It was Audrey.

"Hello?" I said.

"(y/N)! Thank god you answered!" Audrey said panting, and it sounds like she's crying too?

"Audrey! Is everything alright? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"Someone broke into my house! And tried to stab me, luckily I had escaped and went to my secret room. Please you gotta help me!" She continued.

"Did you call the police?" I asked.

"Yes I did. They said they'll be right back then hung up, please go here right now." Audrey said, with fear.

"Alright, I'm on my way." I told her, "Hold tight alright? I'll be there, stay calm." I reassured her.

I hung up the phone, grabbed my home keys, and my baseball bat aswell. I'm gonna beat this asshole.

; ??? ;

"Good job Audrey." I said and put the phone away from her ears. "Now let's just wait for your dumb friend."

NU: july 5

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