Chapter 4 How did she get out?!?!... (EDITED AS OF 2021)

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I walked down the streets of night time Los Santos. All the lights were very bright and colorful.

I was actually enjoying it. I continued on til I felt a presences behind me.

I turned around, but saw no one. I shrugged it off and turn to start walking again, but I was met with a dark figure 6 feet in front of me.

Everything else turned black around me, no more lights, no more anything just me and the figure.

I stepped forward a bit and the dark figure turned into a man and then a woman also appeared.

I started recognizing that they were my parents...

" The hell is happening?" I say quietly, starting to feel uneasy.

" Y/N" they all say.

" you were a mistake!" my mother yelled.

"Huh?" I say, I usually would feel agitated and angry just the thought of both of them... but all I felt was fear and sadness.

" You ruined our lives you ungrateful brat!" My father said as the both stepped toward me causing me to take a step back.


"You killed us, but you had killed us the moment you were born you despicable thing." Mother sneered.

I felt liquid slide down my face. I slowly touched my face and slowly move my hand from my face.

It wasn't tears or blood, it was black and sticky.

"I can't wait to see those boys hurt and kill you in horrible ways you bitch." Father said shoving me back, making me fall on my ass.

I started hearing low growling. As I felt like I was suffocating.

My parents had evil grins on their faces as the watched me struggle to breathe.

*Gasp* I quickly shot up from my blanket bed. I was sweating and breathing heavily.

My body wouldn't stop shaking. It's been awhile since I've been this scared...

"That was some bullshit." I mumble.

I sighed and stood up. I went toward the door. I noticed a little note on the floor.

Dear, Y/N

You should get out of here. I don't want the guys doing anything to you since I heard Wildcat hit you a lot when he was down there with Vanoss, Delirious, and Nogla. I recommend you leave while you can soooo I left the door unlocked, but please don't come killing us. Please don't. Hope to see you again someday. :)


I smiled, " This Brock guy is somethin else." I said, opening the door and putting the note in my pocket.

I looked at the time, since there was a clock on the wall. " How convenient."

It read 6:17 am. " Hmm where's the kitchen at."

I walked around til I found it. It was really big. (That's what she said XD)

I grabbed a bowl and spoon and set them on the counter. Then I went to the fridge and grabbed the milk.

Now don't judge me, like I said before. Bitches needa eat. 😩🤚

I closed the the door and turned back to the counter, but I was met with the 3D boy. He looked at me terrified.

BBS x reader (EDITING AS OF 2021)Where stories live. Discover now