Chapter 3

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Carina finished her detention with Snape, those nights she did spend with the Potions Master, she was made to rearrange his cupboard where he kept his Potion Ingredients and clean the Potions classroom after his last class for the day – and he made sure to not have his students clean up after, so the room was very dirty when Carina cleaned it. And in those days, Carina and Roman have not spoken to each other. When they passed at the corridor, one would always look away or engage to a conversation with whoever they were with – completely ignoring the other (often times, it would be Carina who would do it).

"Finally, I'm done with Snape's bloodly detention!"

Lunch came and the Great Hall was filled with students. At the Slytherin table, Roman and Theodore rolled their eyes at Draco as Pansy continued on gushing him on his injury.

"Does it hurt terribly, Draco?"

"It comes and goes. Still... I consider myself lucky. According to Madam Pomfrey, another minute or two... and I could've lost the arm." Draco said.

From the Gryffindor table Carina and Ron glared at the Malfoy as he continued his act.

"He's really milking it..." Ron said.

"That git even cried 'Daddy'." Carina muttered then took a sip of her tea.

"What?" Harry asked. "He actually told his father?"

"Yeah – that's Draco." Carina sighed, "I heard Lucius was furious." Carina took a sip from her tea.

"I don't think we've heard the end of this..." Hermione said.

Drinking the last of her tea, Carina was suddenly tapped by one of her fellow Gryffindors. She turned and saw Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil with smiles on their faces.

"What?" Carina asked.

"Can we have your tea?" Lavender asked.

"Sorry, but it's all gone." Carina showed them her empty tea cup but for the remains of her tea-leaves.

"That's all we need!" Parvati said then took Carina's teacup, "Thanks!" then the two girls went to gushing on Carina's tea cup.

She turned back to her group with a confused look and asked for an answer as to why Parvati and Lavender wanted her remained tealeaves. Hermione sighed in annoyance, her eyes narrowed at the pair of Gryffindors reading the tealeaves, then turned back to Carina.

"Its this ridicules thing we learned at Divination." Hermione said.

"Wait," Carina was now even more confused, "Divination? But that's the same time as Ancient Runes! How are you in Divination?"

"Now, you're sounding ridicules, Carina – how can I be in the same class at the same time?" Hermione raised a brow.

Behind them, Ron – again – heard Draco telling the tale of his near-death experience with Buckbeak, gaining the support of his fellow Slytherins on how Hagrid was now fitting to teach – or that Buckbeak should pay the price for scratching him.

"Tell me," Ron turned back to Carina, "How is it that you're related to Malfoy?"

"I also ask that question, myself." Carina narrowed her eyes at Draco's way.

A gasp was heard at the pair of Gryffindors beside them. Hermione rolled her eyes at Lavender and Parvati, they had fear in their eyes as they looked in to Carina's tea cup.

"What now?" Hemrione asked.

"So, tell me, ladies..." Carina smirked at Lavender and Parvati's way, "When am I going to die?" she said jokingly.

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