Chapter 8

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The day was dark.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Carina walked the yard in its gloomy aura. Shivers ran down their spine as they heard the sharpening of the blade of the Executioner. Hermione sent a nasty look at the Executioner. They hurried past the Executioner – who looked up and sent them a wicked grin – and then went to the hill with the view of Hagrid's hut.

"I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak! It's too horrible!" Hermione said.

"It just got worse." Harry said.

Down the small hill, they saw Draco with Goyle and Crabbe, they hid behind the huge pillar-rocks as they. Malfoy was boasting about what his father have done to Buckbeak.

"Did you see the big, fat blubbering oaf?! Oh this is going to be rich. Did I tell you, Father said I can keep the head –" Draco said to Goyle and Crabbe. He then turned and saw Harry and the others he smirked. "Ah. Come to see the show?"

Hermione marched down to Draco with the scariest – as per Carina – glare. "You... foul... loathsome... evil... little cockroach!" Malfoy stumbled back against the rock, cross-eyed with fear as Hermione jabbed the tip of her wand under his nose.

"HERMIONE! NO!" Ron called. "It's not worth it!"

"I don't' know..." Carina whispered to Harry, "It kinda is... to even out Malfoy's face..."

Harry chuckled beside her.

Hermione removed her wand from Draco's face and stepped back. Draco and his goons laughed at Hermione's retreat –


Quick as lightning, Hermione punched Hermione at Draco's right jaw, put him flat on his back. stunned, he leapt to his feet and ran, Crabbe and Goyle huffing and puffing behind. Hermione turned back to Harry and the others and smiled.

"That felt good."

"Good? That was brilliant." Ron smiled.


Hagrid stood by the window and watched Buckbeak. Harry and Ron sat on the huge armchair, while Hermione and Carina made tea. Carina handed Hagrid a cup of tea, then Harry and Ron.

"Look at 'em. Loves the smell o' the trees when the wind blows..." Hagrid sighed.

"I say we set him free." Harry said.

"They'd know I did it." Hagrid said, "And tha' would only get Dumbledore in trouble. Gonna come down, yeh know. Say he wants ter be with me when it... when it happens. Great man, Dumbledore."

"We'll stay with you too, Hagrid." Hermione said.

"Yeh will not! Thank I wan' yeh seein' a thing like this! No." Hagrid turned in a snap at Hermione, "Yeh'll drink yer tea an' be off. Oh, Ron..." Hagrid took something from behin and turned back to Ron with a rat in his hands.

"Scabbers!" Ron gleefully took Scabbers from Hagrid's hands.

"Yeh should keep a closer eye on yer pets, Ron." Hagrid told him.

Hermione cleared her throat, at her arms crossed over chest"I think you owe someone an apology."

"Right. Next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know." Ron said.

"I meant me – "

The pot that held some grains suddenly shattered. Hermione scooped a jagged star-shaped stone, a second stone bounced off the back of Harry's head.

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