Chapter 43

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Carina didn't enjoy much of her Hogsmeade weekend. She, Roman and Theodore simply went to Huneydukes, walked around and then left, but they did get to see Cho walk out of Madam Puddifoot's place then Harry did as well. Guess his date didn't end well, Theodore said then. After that, they went back to the castle and ate their sweets. Once Carina had spotted Hermione, Harry and Ron (who was still in his Quidditch uniform), she left her Slytherin friends, bidding them 'I'll see you later' then went to the Gryffindor table to speak with them. Hermione told her about the whole meeting with Rita Skeeter and Harry's interview. It made her heart beat twice as fast than normal when they told her of the interview and that Harry's story might go public and finally be heard.

"It must've been tough talking about it... but it was the right thing to do." Carina said.

"I know." Harry said. "People need to know what Voldemort's capable of."

"How about next we give The Quibbler a story on how my father's not a mass murderer and is actually an innocent man blamed for a rat's crimes?" Carina said in an innocent voice mixed with bitterness.

"I'm sure Sirius's name would be cleared, Carina... we just need to wait." Hermione said with a solemn look.

"When?" Carina asked, "When he's old and have gray hair? When he's rotting in Twelve Grimmauld Place?"

"Calm down, Rina." Ron said, "I'm sure Dumbledore's doing something about it, right?"

"I doubt it." Carina muttered.

After a few minutes of silence Carina asked about why she saw Cho walking out of 'that bloody tea shop' crying. Harry had the look of both pissed and distraught then started to tell her the story. It made Carina raise her brow when Harry mentioned Cho ask about Cedric Diggory's death, she now didn't see the sixth year Ravenclaw differently, and believed that she just used Harry since he's the closest to Cedric when the Hufflepuff died.

"You should've said that it was really annoying that I made you meet me, but I'd made you promise to come along ... and it might have been a good idea to mention how ugly you think I am too..." Hermione said, trying to give Harry the possible side of Cho why she just did that outburst and stormed out of the place.

"But I don't think you're ugly." Harry said

Hermione laughed.

"Harry, you're worse than Ron... Well, no, you're not." Hermone sighed("Hey!" Ron said). "Look – you upset Cho when you said you were going to meet me, so she tried to make you jealous. It was her way of trying to find out how much you liked her."

"Is that what she was doing?" Harry said. "Well, wouldn't it have been easier if she'd just asked me whether I liked her better than you?"

"Girls don't often ask questions like that." Hermione said.

"Well I don't like her... and I didn't like how she handled the situation." Carina declared.

"Carina!" Hermione chastised.

"But!" Carina said, "If Harry still likes her, who am I to tell him not to..."

"Thanks, Carina... how come she gets it?" Harry said, gesturing to Carina.

"But!" Carina added. "Hermione's right, girls do have a way of showing that they're jealous and mad."

"How do you know?" Ron asked. "You hadn't gone to a date with someone!"

Carina raised a brow at Ron and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I think I Nott's presence more tolerable right now." Carina said.

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