Chapter 58

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Theodore was in trouble. Since morning came, he didn't bother to go to class. No, he was at the Room of Requirement trying to fix the cabinet since last night and was doing so little progress at it. Draco, who went to his classes, had told Theodore that his absence would attract unwanted attention and that it was best that if they went to classes and fix the cabinet during breaks and after curfew, but Theodore didn't care.

"What do you think you're doing?" Draco demanded as he came walking towards Theodore, who was still slumped at the ground.

"Trying to fix this bloody cabinet." Theodore muttered.

"You're going to draw attention to yourself" Draco sneered.

"And you walking in to the Room of Requirement won't?" Theodore asked, "How did you get in anyway? It's the middle of the day!"

"The corridor was empty." Draco said, "And Crabbe and Goyle are standing guard outside."

"Crabbe and Goyle?" Theodore raised a brow at him, "Those two stick out like a sore-thumb, it's better to have Zabini as look out than those lumps – have you forgotten? If there's two dimwitted-gorrilas there's expected to be a ferret near."

"Watch it, Nott." Draco said in a threatening tone.

"That might have worked on some first years, Malfoy, but not on me." Theodore said.

Theodore got up from the ground; he dusted his trousers and hid his wand in his robes pocket. He picked up his bag from the pile that was beside him and went his way towards the door.

"Where do you think your going?" Draco asked.

"Lunch." Theodore said, "Then class. You did say that I need to go."

"What about the cabinet?"

"It's your turn."


Carina spent her day with Harry and Roman as they trailed after Ron and Hermione, who seemed to be ignoring each other after the night that happened during the after party. They – Ron and Hermione – have been going on like this for days and it wasn't getting any better, not only for Ron and Hermione but for Harry, Carina and Roman – who seems to be spending more time together now that Harry was left in the middle of the crossfire.

"Look, I can't help it if she's got her knickers in a twist." Ron said. Harry was walked beside him whilst Carina and Roman followed after them completely annoyed that Harry had dragged them along. "What Lav and I have – well, let's just say there was not stopping it."

"Is he serious right now?" Roman asked, completely flabbergasted and annoyed at what Ron was saying now.

"It's chemical. Will it last? Who knows? Point is, I'm a free agent." Ron continued.

"So she's a fling then?" Carina scoffed, "A short term girlfriend to say that actually snogged a girl."

Ron did not hear Carina and just walked off, leaving Harry with Carina and Roman. With a sigh, Harry returned to Carina and Roman's side and walked beside them, he'd be lying if he didn't say that I was weird to be between the two of them since he was so used to have Hermione and Ron beside him, but he'd rather have them than go back and forth with his two best friends who were in war with each other.

"You know." Roman began, "If you think about it... from the five of us, the only person who have not snogged anyone is Carina."

"Excuse me?" Carina turned to him with snort. "

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