Chapter 27

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You guys are awesome! Keep those votes and comments coming! :)

Ellison and Tom sat in the library, stray pieces of parchment strew across a large pile of books. Ellison, who had been in the library since early that morning, was pouring over her Herbology textbook, scribbling down notes here and there on certain plants and their healing qualities.

Tom, who had joined her shortly after lunch, had his feet propped up in their usual spot on the table. He had been skimming through, Nature's Nobility: A Wizarding Genealogy, a bored expression on his face.

"We've been at this for nearly three hours," Tom began, closing the book he had been reading with a thud. "Let's go back to the common room ... or outside ... really anywhere but here."

"Correction, you've been at this for three hours. I've been here since before breakfast."

"All the more reason to go get some fresh air," Tom retorted, cutting her off.

"You know, you don't have to sit here with me, pretending to study," Ellison began, lifting her eyes from the page she had been reading in earnest, to look at Tom.  "But just because you can pass your N.E.W.T.S. without lifting a finger doesn't mean the rest of us can."

"I've been studying," Tom argued indignity.

"You must've been studying that particular page really hard considering you've been staring at it for the last forty five minutes."

"Well excuse me for wanting to make sure I know my information before our exams start on Monday."

"You know, I might believe you," She began, raising an eyebrow, "If only the book you were reading was one of our textbooks, and not something you pulled off the shelf when you walked in."

"You got me," Tom smirked at her. Ellison snickered, rolling her eyes.

"You're not the least bit concerned about exams?" She asked, returning her attention back to her Herbology notes.

"I've thought about them," Tom began in his usual cool tone. "But concerned? Not quite."

"Well how lucky for you," She replied sarcastically.

"And why is it that you're so concerned?"

"Because to become a healer I need at least an Exceeds Expectations in Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, and Defense against the Dark Arts," Ellison explained, jotting down more notes on Mandrake Root.

"Which you scored on your O.W.L.S.," Tom replied.

"Not true. I only scored Acceptable in Herbology our fifth year," Ellison retorted.

"You're going to do fine," Tom said matter-of-factly.

"Tom, things come easy for you," Ellison began, looking up from her parchment. "You've never had to worry about studying or earning a bad grade. You've always just glided through school. I've always had to work harder than you to earn the grades you have." She paused, letting out a long sigh. "I want this so bad. I want to be a healer more than anything and if I don't get the marks I need ... If I fail ... It'll only be one more reason added to my father's list of why I should accept his offer at the ministry."

She gritted her teeth at the thought. She couldn't fail ... she wouldn't. If she had to spend the next forty eight hours in the library pouring over every textbook she ever owned, then she would. She turned her eyes back to the page of notes she had been scribbling, picking up where she had left off.

"Ellison." She ignored him, continuing to scribble down everything she could one Mandrake Root and their relation to petrification. "Ellison," Tom repeated, snatching the quill from her hand.

"Hey!" She protested, reaching for it, though Tom had already placed it behind his back, out of her reach.

"You're going to do fine. Do you hear me? You're going to take your N.E.W.T.S. next week and score Outstanding on all of them. Then, despite what your father might say, you're going to become a healer ... and a bloody good one too." Tom held her gaze, his eyes burrowing into hers, his tone serious now. "Now, you've spent the last three days held up in here, and its making you even more unnerved than you were before. What do you say we spend the rest of our Friday doing something to take your mind off things? There was a Hogsmead trip this afternoon. I'm sure if we left now we could still manage a few hours there before nightfall." A small smile crept onto Ellison's face. A trip to Hogsmead had never sounded so good to her in all her life.

"Well, I suppose taking a break for the rest of the day couldn't make that much of a difference in the long run," she said, more to herself than to Tom.

"Exactly what I was thinking," he replied.

"But of course I'll have to get back to it first thing tomorrow."

"I wouldn't expect anything less," Tom smirked.


HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. With moving in to our new house to starting a new job, I haven't had much time to write!
I've got some exciting/sad news! The Girl who Loved is about to come to an end! That's right people... I've finished the last two chapters and the Epilogue! Now, all there's left to do is fill in the gaps! Stay tuned and don't stop reading ... I promise you won't be disappointed!

- August

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