Chapter Eighty-Three: Jealous Again?

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Tasha sighed deeply as she watched North and Connor bicker at the next crime scene. She had thought that having all four of them work together maybe they'd calm down but so far they were both butting heads every five seconds.

"I swear he gets along better with Gavin than her!" Tasha groaned in frustration, turning to Hank who had an amused expression on his face. "Hey! This isn't a free show, Hank."

Tasha walked up to the duo, standing between them. "You two need to stop."

"But she—"

"Me?! Your boyfriend—"


Both of them were silent as they watched Tasha expectantly

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Both of them were silent as they watched Tasha expectantly. "At this rate I could've solved all these crimes faster than you two combined if you would just shut up." Tasha huffed angrily as she stalked away from them, going out to the car.

"This is all your fault." Connor glared at North. "Why don't you go back to Markus?"

"My fault?! You're so fucking possessive you can't handle Tasha being near someone else without getting upset. What, Connor, scared of a little competition?"

Connor rolled his eyes, "Competition? If you are referring to yourself that is fucking hilarious."

The duo continued to bicker until they reached the car. Both could feel Tasha's emotions radiating off of her. Connor sighed, turning to North. "Look, I don't want to work with you. I don't like you being near Tasha. But I want her to be happy. Us arguing isn't accomplishing that."

"I just want Tasha to be happy too." North said, going to open the door next to Tasha's.

Connor stopped her, leaning down. "Let me make this clear. Tasha is mine. She will always be mine."

North rolled her eyes. "Yes, sir." Before hopping into the back seat with Tasha.

Connor took a deep breath trying to calm his anger filled body.

It's just one week. I can handle this for one week.

Boy, how wrong Connor was.

A/N: Hiiiii sorry this is short but I hope you still enjoyed! Your comments keep me writing this story 💜

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