Monday Movie Night

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   5:20 P.M Monday
Kai was sitting at the kitchen counter. He was writing in a small journal and would occasionally stop to think, a DJ Octavio mem cake placed on the side of the journal. He continues to write.

I leave without ceremony.
Don't be too sore I wanted more.

My sincerest apology.

Kai was left with small bits of memories of when he was with the Octarians but never with the thought of his name.

" Good job young one , soon you will be out of this place and fighting out there to claim back what was rightfully ours!" Octavio says with a grin.
" I will do what I must to join the others and fight, sir ." Kai says with a blank expression.

*End Flashback
The apartment's door entrance opened and Coral entered. Kai shook himself out of his thoughts and greeted Coral.
"Hey, how was Clam Blitz?"
Coral sighed and muttered " It was a bad game, the blue team really kicked our asses."
  " Sorry to hear, there's always next time?" Kai says trying to cheer up Coral.
"Hmm, yeah I suppose." Coral says with a little smile.
  She thinks to herself for a bit and a idea pops into her head. " Hey! have you ever watched a scary movie? There's this new horror movie that I've been itching to watch and it's showing at Fresh Cinema!"
     " No, I've only watched a few movies that played on your TV. But I can't recall watching a scary movie." Kai replies.
"That's okay, d-do you wanna watch it with me today?" Coral asks while trying to not blush. " Y-you don't have to go if you don't want to!" She quickly adds.
  Kai doesn't even think twice and replies with a smile, " No worries, I'll go with you. I've been just here at the apartment not doing much."
  "G-great, I'll go purchase the tickets online right now, and we'll head out and take the train at about 6:30!" Coral says happily and she goes to her bedroom to purchase the tickets on her desktop.

They leave the apartment within 70 minutes and make their way to Inkopolis Plaza  Metro Station.
   When they got to the station,  Kai noticed Calamari Inkantation was playing. After a few minutes the train arrived and they went inside it and took their seats not too far from the door.

  The ride to where Fresh Cinema was about 25 minutes. When they got there it was packed because apparently the horror movie " Sea Of Whales" was a big hit in the box office. It was a movie about an Inkling couple who get lost in a storm while on a boat trip and a Sperm whale preys on them. Whales are extinct species and believed to be alive during the reign of human times, but as water levels rose many of the whales beached themselves. Now they were a classical creature used throughout Sci-fi and horror movies.

    Once Coral and Kai got their tickets and entered the theatre, the smell of popcorn and shrimp chips filled the aroma of the theatre's lobby.
  " Mmm, it smells good." Kai says sniffing the air
" Yup, lets get some popcorn then." Coral says.
They get their popcorn and head to the room where they are going to watch the movie.

  As they make their way up to their seats, Inklings  stared at them and whispered like always when Kai was out in public.
  " Ignore them, they can't do anything about it." Coral says. " I'll beat them into pulp if they try anything." She jokingly says and winks.
  Kai gives her a little smile and sits.

After the previews the movie starts and the lights dim.
" Is it starting? Why are the lights low?" Kai asks Coral.
" They do that so that you can focus or see the movie better." Coral whispers trying not to disturb the others.

45 Minutes into the movie...
Kai focuses on the screen while eating popcorn quietly. Coral without thinking grabs some popcorn from the bucket and her hand brushes Kai's hand.
Kai jumps a little from the surprise and blushes. Thankfully the darkness of the theatre blinded his flustered face.
" S-sorry Sorry." She whispers quickly, and grabs popcorn quickly and continues watching.

At some point in the movie, Coral gets scared and grabs Kai's arm.
" Are you okay?" Kai says worried and somehow not scared of the movie.
" I'm fine, I get jumpy watching horror movies." Coral says while hiding her face in his arm.

The movie ends with the two Inklings finally being rescued by a passing ship. After waiting for a few of the Inklings to exit the theatre, Coral and Kai exit.
" So, did you like the movie?" Coral asks Kai as they head back to the train station.
" It was interesting, I just wish they didn't act stupid so it made me a little frustrated." Kai says.
Coral laughs at his comment and says " Right, it seems horror movies are always like that though."

They walk in silence for a few minutes and Coral realizes something.
" Oh yeah.. pardon me for getting so jumpy." Coral says rubbing the back of her head.
" It's okay, I-I umm..don't mind." Kai says and the two make eye contact but Kai immediately turns away flustered.
" Heh, well okay." Coral says smiling.

On the train, Coral accidentally fell asleep on Kai's shoulder but Kai let her sleep anyways. He watched the moon shine its bright blue glow on the passing trees. Kai decided to take out his journal from his pocket and fumbled through the pocket of his Custom Painted F-3 where he kept some mem cakes.
He randomly pulled out one of an inkling girl with lime green hair.
"I've never seen this one. Hmm it reminds me of Coral." Kai thinks and he looks over to his left and stares at Coral.
She was sound asleep and would occasionally quietly snore.
"Her sleeping face is so adorable." Kai thinks and laughs in his head. Kai immediately shakes his head and rubs his forehead trying to forget of what he just thought.
" No, no. Stop it, she's a friend. JUST a friend. Pull yourself together."

He then stares at the lime green Inkling girl mem cake and his face softens as he writes.

Once a foe, no longer an enemy.
You'd strike and strike as we fight.
But now somehow you bring me into the light.

The train arrives at their stop. Kai quickly puts his journal back in his pocket and along with the lime green Inkling girl mem cake. He nudges Coral awake.
" Huh? Oh, t-thanks for letting me sleep on your shoulder." Coral says embarrassed and quickly gets up to exit the train as Kai follows behind her.

Authors note: Thank you for those who commented. It's good to hear what you guys think and your opinions helped me. I'll try my best to continue updating. I'll be going on a trip this Sunday, but I'll be back shortly in just three days! Also let me know of what you would like to see in future chapters!

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