ARC 1.1 The Show Starts

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Waking up with a huge headache. I want to pass out. All I can do is gritt my teeth when the memories of this body get to me. In a few minutes finally the headache faded away.

Looking at the surrounding, i guess the government really treat the breeders good.

Getting up and going to the bathroom to see myself. Well, i say I really have a wonderful feminine body, soft white skin, gorgeous and misty violet eyes, long silky black hair, long white legs, round butt, plumpy red lip, small oval face, pointy small nose and sadly small d*ck.

I can't use it, so maybe it's okay. I can compromise for now since I just need to use my chrysanthemum. 😥

"System, where are we on the plot now? "

"Answering host. The ML and FL is now lovers. He already cancelled his match marriage to you. "

"What?!!.. "

"Host, don't worry, all you need to do is live happily and love someone that's all. "

"I guess but I feel sorry about this body's owner. He waited and dreamed about meeting his partner, and until now is still hopeful for meeting his partner and still going to that restaurant where they should've meet every f**king day. It's been 2 months already. But now really... Tssk.. I guess I'll fulfill your wish Julian. "

"TING! Triggering Side task...
Let the ML feel sorry or remorseful for cancelling their marriage match. (500 points) "

"Hahaha.. Now that's what I like. A challenging Task.. Haha.. Thank you system. "

"Your welcome host. "

"Now tell me, where's the ML and how high is his affection now to the FL? "

"The ML is planning on going to the restaurant (where this Julian and him supposed to meet) for a lunch meeting with the other officials. He's in a stage of considering the FL to be his official lover with the intention of marriage host. "

"That's great! I'll make that Male Lead regret throwing you out of the picture Julian... System give me all the information of the ML and FL."

"Transferring data... "

The ML's name is Martin Luther, one of the country's Senate. Owner of one of the country's number one Chained Restaurants Mi Amor, yeah, the restaurant where they should've meet. And is now planning his last meetings of this city's officials for he is flying back home with his lover tomorrow. He's been staying here for too long already.

The FL's name is Celeste Grande, born in a single family, her mom is a male breeder and divorced to the Governor when he is 2 months pregnant with Celeste, she is a hidden daugter of this city's Governor. Fearing for her destiny, her mom hide her origin for he doesn't want her daughter to be used as a pawn of her own father for his ambition. But Celeste is a green tea bitch. Dreaming of having a good future and wonderful life. She wanted a luxurious life ahead but she can't go to her father so she planned to have another alternative person, to marry.

Knowing that the ML is here in the city for finding his partner, Celeste want him for herself. Successfully getting Martin and planned to marry him.

She is now at the villa of the ML and is ready to fly back to Shatteir tomorrow night where the ML's live to meet his family and be an official lover.

Really..a green tea bitch.. I'll make you regret taking the things that should've mine.

I look myself at the mirror. Still, I'm not satisfied with this beauty.

"System let me check my things."

"Opening host's spartial package..
2 detoxifying pills
2 beautifying pills
1 body enhancing pills
4 healing pills.."

"Give me 1 beautifying pill."

Taking the pill. A warm feeling inside me bloom. I close my eyes, having this nice feeling is comfortable..

When I opened my eyes again. I see a celestial beauty reflecting in the mirror.

This is what we call a beauty that you can't help but take a second look and still can't get enough of it. Its not exaggerating to say this. Now I'm satisfied.

Dressing a casual fitted black pants and loose white shirt that can show part of my soulder and collar bone with a black shoes as a match up. I just let my hair as it is. Brushing my hands in it. I love this silky long hair.

Taking my apartment's key, my phone and wallet, ready to go out to view this new world. Fortunately the restaurant is only 3 blocks away. I can just walk there.

Let the show begin.

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