Chapter Four

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I was all alone up against a tree crying my eyes out. All I wanted was to go home and look at all my dads things but I knew that wasn't a option right now. I kept crying and trying to reassure myself everything is fine until I heard someone running towards me. I didn't know who it was and to be honest I didn't care. Before I had the chance to do anything I felt these arms grab me and cradle me.

I tensed up which was a reflex but after awhile I just gave in. I didn't really know who was holding me but I fell asleep in what felt like forever. I could feel this random boy staring at me but all of a sudden he started playing with my hair. It was very relaxing and made me readjust in his arms to were I my head was laying up against his chest. I felt him tense up and I had felt that I did something wrong until the unexpected happened.....he kissed my forehead.

I was shocked and paralyzed that the only thing I could do was open my eyes. As I opened my eyes I was shocked to see....Blaine Anderson. My own roommate just kissed me it might not have been a actual kiss but still. So many thoughts were going through my mind I couldn't process but still here I am staring into his chocolate brown eyes. I could tell he was also shocked at what he had done but yet he couldn't keep his eyes off of mine.

After about a lifetime of looking into each others eyes I broke the silence. "Ummmm hi roomie" I had spoke very quietly. "Hey porcelain, need help getting up" he said with a smirk. I nodded my head as he let me get up. As we had finally stood up he turned to me with a smile and said " I enjoyed our little session but I think we should get back before someone starts to worry" . I simply agreed by nodding my head and we headed on back to Dalton.

When we arrived to our room, I grabbed my pajamas and went to go change in the bathroom. When I got dressed and came out of the bathroom I was stunned. Blaine had his shirt off staring at me and all I could stare at was him. I didn't know I was blushing until I snapped back into reality. "You like what you see Porcelain? cause you turned bright red just now" he said. I simply just smirked and walked to my bed and laid down.

I got on my phone for the first time since I have arrived to see many messages from my friends.

Mercedes sent at 8:24 a.m.

Kurt Elizabeth Hummel! Why in the gods heaven on earth did you not tell me you were leaving?!? I had to find out by Finns little girlfriend Rachel.

Artie sent at 9:29 a.m.

Hey Kurt!! I miss you buddy and glee club does too. We will miss your sassiness and your voice and don't forget your jazz hands. Love your crippled friend.

Finn sent at 7:04 a.m.

Hey bro!!! Hope you have fun at Dalton Academy! It will be hard for me to go down the hallways and not see you but I know that this is the best for you!!! Go kick some Warbler butt!!!

I couldn't help but laugh at those messages. Yes I have realized I had left behind my best friends but at least here I'm not bullied for being gay or an orphan. Even though I have Carole and Finn I don't have my biological parents anymore. Gosh I miss them so much right now but I know they are looking down on me.

As I decided to go to bed Blaine had gotten out of the bathroom already dressed in his pajamas. I didn't realize but I was staring again and my cheeks blushed but hopefully Blaine didn't notice since its dark. Maybe he did notice oh my gosh am I falling for my roommate!!


I'm in the bathroom getting dressed and couldn't help but to think about what happened in the woods. Did I scare him off, is he gonna ask for a new roommate, is he gonna avoid me? I wonder if he knows I'm gay. Is he even gay? I'm confused and I think I'm in love with my roommate but I don't want to confess. I have to get to know him and trust him before I confess my feelings. I don't want to think about what happened a while back.

I decided that I should go to bed or at least get out of the bathroom before he starts to worry. As I entered into our room I noticed Kurt had turned his attention to me. I started to notice him blushing but I didn't want to say anything. It became silent when I laid down and stared at the ceiling. I decided to break the silence "Hey Porcelain um can we talk about what happened in the woods???" Kurt looked over at me and said " Do you mind if I sit on your bed while we talk???". I was shocked he had asked and I nodded yes and he made his way and sat next to me.

"So umm about that kiss??I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to kiss your forehead its just you looked really cute" I said to Kurt who started blushing when I had finished my sentence.

"Oh umm its okay I guess. I have never had a boyfriend or been kissed before so that's why I have been quiet. I mean its not like we are dating or anything". I couldn't help but smile at the fact of Kurt and I dating. I so wanted to just kiss him and tell him I loved him but, I knew if I were to fall into deep and he were to find out the secret that it would hurt him. "I wouldn't mind dating you and same I have never had a boyfriend or kissed anyone...its just I have this secret and I cant tell would hurt you but I like you too much to hurt you- I was cut off when his soft pink lips crashed into mine.

Authors note

Hey guys I had some writers block through out this chapter but I think I did a okay job🖒
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Okay bai

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