Richie° Old Town

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Summary: Y/N comes back to her old town of Derry and see's her very first boyfriend she had in middle school. Richie Tozier
Song: Here's to never growing up

-Y/N left Derry 2 weeks before Georgie went missing.


"Don't get angry with mom. You know we had to move back here." My older brother Justin explained as we sat in his car just parked outside Derry's local butcher store.

My lips smacked together and I examined the posters glued to the brick building wall...

So many missing posters.

"I miss my friends Justin." I mumbled and turned my head to face him. Justin placed his hands on the wheel and then shrugged at me.

"You'll be okay. Look, mom grew up here, and we should be happy that she's back in her home town. Wait, can't you just become friends with your old friends?" Justin explained.

A small sigh had escaped my mouth.

"Justin, it isn't that easy. I don't know how they are now, what if they hate me- Doubt it." Justin replied.

My eyes rolled and folded my arms. I missed my friends, and It doesn't feel... right here. Like a bad vibe.

"I'll go in and buy the meat for tonight's dinner." Justin explained then hopped out. My glance examined as Justin walked into the butcher store.

"This is such a lame summer." I whispered to myself. I looked down at my nails and examined how gross to the max my nails were. Ew.

Noise from outside had caught my attention. My head looked up and noticed the group of boys riding their bikes along the pavement.

They parked their bikes near the butcher shop, the group of boys all stood outside the small grocery store and continued to talk.

Richie? Richie Tozier. The boy who took my first kiss and gave me bike rides to school. Shoot, he uh looks... good, still. Then I remembered the other boys, Bill, Stan and Eddie. Also the homeschooled kid Mike? And one more boy who wasn't familiar to me.

As I squinted my eyes and examined Richie more, Richie turned around and caught my glance at him...

His eyes went wide as he noticed me. He remembers me? Richie then ran over to the car and tapped onto my window.

Awkwardly, I placed down the window and smiled.

"Sorry, but You're Y/N - Y/L/N? Right?" Richie asked me. My nose scrunched and I gulped.

"Yeah Richie, It's me." I replied and smiled. Richie opened up the car door and placed his arms out for a hug. I stood up and felt as he jolted himself towards me. We hugged and then I pulled away. The door of the car closed and I leaned against it.

"Damn, you smell hella good. And you're still beautiful as ever... Sexy too." Richie spoke as he eyed me up and down.

I raised my brows and giggled. Same old Richie.

"Thanks Richie." I replied and rolled my eyes with a smirk.

Richie re-positioned his glasses.

"Have you moved back?" He asked me and then smiled. I shook my head in agreement, Richie placed his hands into his pocket and looked down.

"Cool, cool. I was wondering, maybe later on, you wanted to meet us down at the quarry? Jump off the cliff like we use too?" Richie asked with a smile. My heart pounded and I bit my lip.

"Sure-Or do you want me to pick you up? Let you ride my bike? Like how we use to do shit?" Richie spoke interrupting me with raised brows.

I laughed and was about to talk when-

"Y/N. Come let's go. Now." Justin spoke. I sighed and turned around.

Great timing brother.

-sorry this was

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