Telling the Secret

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Picture of Rick on the side

~Chapter 4~

I woke up against a warmness. I moved in closer and felt something wrap around my waist. I sighed in content as the tingles spread throughout my body. I snuggled into the warmness making a loud groan come out of someone. "Morning, Kitten." A deep, husky voice spoke. It was probably Mariah or Shelby. But since when do they call me Kitten?

"Morning." I said into the warmness but it sounded more like, "mormimg." I tensed when I realized it was a deep and husky voice that spoke. I looked up and saw none other Jason.

I screamed and jumped out of his grip, making me almost fall face first on the floor if it weren't for his large arms grabbing me. "What the heck, Kitten?" He said.

"Kitten? Why are you calling me that?" I asked ignoring his question.

"Cat doesn't fit you right. Kitten is more like it for your small figure." He winked at me making my insides melt.

"Don't call me that." I grumbled.

He chuckled, "No way, Kitten." I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom. I used the spare toothbrushes they had in the guest room.

When I finished cleaning up, I decided to cook breakfast for myself, Shelby, and I. I went into the kitchen and took out the pancake batter, chocolate chips, eggs, cheese, bacon and bread.


I finished cooking and sat down to eat. Mariah and Shelby came in with Rick and Chester and they made their own plate. "What's cookin'?" A guy asked coming down the stairs. He saw the food, "Who cooked? " He asked.

"I did." I stated and he turned to me and his eyes flickered gold. I still had the pajama shorts and tank top on.

He walked my way and sat down right next to me. I started coughing awkwardly to get Shelby and Mariah's attention but they were to engrossed in their boyfriends.

"I haven't seen you around what's your name?" He asked. I opened my mouth but before I could make a sound a growl ripped the air.

"Get lost." Jason said to the guy and he ran away.


"Wait, so most of the people don't belong in your family?" I asked.
"It's a long story." He grumbled, fixing himself a plate and sitting by me. He was lucky I decided to cook extra just for the 3 of them. "This is good, Kitten." He said.

"Thanks." I mumbled under my breath.

"Good Morning, baby!" That annoying voice spoke. Tiffany sat on his lap and that feeling in my chest came. She kissed him then glared at me, but it turned into a fake smile when Jason looked her way.

I looked at Shelby and Mariah and gave them a pleading look. Shelby caught on and spoke,"So uh, Cat do you want to watch tv?" She asked.

"Sure!" I got up, washed my plate and put it up. I fast walked out of the kitchen and turned on the TV. "Thank you." I told Shelby.

"No problem." Shelby said. A woman with light red hair and dazzling green eyes walked in.

"Hello ladies, how are you today?" She asked.

"Were fine." We said in unison.

"Wonderful! Oh, how rude of me. I'm Rebecca Wilson." She said.

"I'm Cat and this is Shelby."

"What nice names! I haven't seen you around here before."

"We aren't going to be here for long. Do you know the Kingston's?" Shelby questioned.

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