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Howl did not handle the concept of death very well. Up until recently, he had never had to worry about such a common thing. Sure he's had hardships in his life, but never one like this.

A month back, Sophie had struck sick. At first it started out as a pesky cold, but it gradually transformed into a high fever. Howl wanted to take her to the hospital, knowing that often times if a fever goes untreated for a long time, it could be proven to be fatal. But Sophie just smiled and said 'Don't worry, I'll be better soon. You needn't go out of your way for something like this.' Despite what she said, Howl was still worried.

A few weeks later, when it seemed like she was doing much better, she suddenly collapsed while doing some light housework. When Howl came back later that night from doing who knows what, he discovered Sophie 's hair clinging to her face and a pan and broom lying next to her. 'Sophie!' he shouted, running over to her, fearing for the worst.

He crouched down and put a hand to her heart, trying to feel any kind of heartbeat. Finally after a moment of clenched teeth and broken fear, he felt a faint beat. Howl almost wanted to cry with relief. But before he got the chance to do that, one of Sophie's eyes opened, very bloodshot, and very sad. A few seconds later, her other eye creaked open. She smiled gently and said 'I love you Howl. Please never forget that.'He bit back tears and said, "I love you too Sophie. But you're going to be okay, so please don't talk like you're going to die.'

Sophie smiled a ghost of a smile and said, 'I really don't know why I got so sick...I don't really know why it got so bad and is making me feel so terribly tired...I guess life's unfair that way isn't it?' Howl felt his heart nearly crumple in his chest as he watched Sophie's eyes shut and her smile fade. She had been the one who saved him from his despair, yet he couldn't even do the same?

When he could no longer feel a heartbeat, he broke into sobs, that no matter how hard he tried, would not cease. He was glad neither Markl nor Calcifer were here to see him in such a state.

Each day afterwards felt treacherous and it broke him all over again seeing her in a black casket with Markl sobbing and all of her family glaring at him like it was his fault she was dead. But he didn't have heart to glare back, he could only mourn.

A week after the funeral, Howl didn't know what to do anymore. He felt broken and really wished he could make a contract with a fire demon again just to get his stupid emotional heart out of him. As time continued on, the idea of joining Sophie sounded extremely pleasant. He closed his eyes and wished and wished to be with her, till one day, it came true.

As you can see, Howl really does not handle the death of loved ones well.

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