Chapter 6 (Horrible Death)

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Shawn hugged me and Lesley and then Aria.
"Please be careful, we can't lose another friend." Aria told Shawn.
Shawn ran towards the car and went inside. He started it, and as he reached the main road, it stopped moving.
"Shawn! Get out of the car!" I yelled.
"Shawn! Get out!" Aria yelled.
Shawn's hands was at the window trying to break it open. Then suddenly the car started moving towards a tree.
"Shawn!" Lesley and yelled.
The car crashed into the tree and we didn't realise that the gas was leaking.
"Shawn! Get out of that car. Now!" Aria yelled.
The 3 of us ran across, and Shawn was injured but still inside and alive.
"Let's try breaking it." Then the front of the car started blazing up.
"Run! Go now!" Shawn yelled from inside.
"No! I'm not leaving you!" Aria said.
"Go!!" I tried breaking the door but couldn't.
"We have to go!" Lesley said. I nodded and both me and Lesley grabbed Aria and pulled her with us back inside the house.


The car exploded.
"NO!! Shawn..!" Aria yelled cried. I stared as another friend died.
We walked back into the house. Then Aria shouted.
"What do you WANT, You MOTHER F*CKER!" She yelled.
"Calm down Aria! We've all lost someone close. Let's just calm down!" Lesley said.


Unknown:"Lesley is next. Go into the basement and pick up the chain with bugs in it and bring it back in to the living room."

"Bugs, beetle. I'm afraid of that." She said.
"You have to try." I said to her.

Lesley POV
"Bugs, beetle. I'm afraid of that." I said.
"You have to try." Alex said to me.
I nod and walked by the basement door. I walked in, as Aria and Alex was about to walk in the door closed shut.
"Ahhh!!" I screamed. I banged on the door as Aria and Alex did the same from the other side.
"Lesley! Be careful, please!" Alex screamed.
"The door is locked. Try breaking it from your side." I yelled. I walked down the stairs and saw the chain with the bugs.
I lifted up the chain then...


Unknown:"Times up."

All of a sudden a set of bugs by the millions came rushing towards me.
"Ahhhhh!! Help!" I yelled.
"Lesley!!" Aria and Alex said trying to break down the door, I can tell.
I tried running upstairs but slipped and fell back. The bugs covered me and then I was suffocating.
"Help...." I then died. That was the last if my life.

Alex's POV.
I heard Lesley screaming from the other side. Me and Aria tried banging and breaking the door.
"Help!..." I heard Lesley.
"Lesley!!" Aria and I called.
Then the door opened. We both rushed in.
"No!! Noooo!" I screamed.
"Oh God no!!" Aria yelled.


Unknown:"Aria is next. Into the kitchen. In plain sight into the dining table."

Aria read aloud.

Aria's POV

It was my turn.
Me and Alex walked into the room and I picked up the paper from the table and read it aloud. It says:

Pull of 2 teeth using this pliers.

"We have to share this dare." Alex said. I nod.
"I'll go first. Go on and pull mine." I said.
She took the pliers and place it in my front top tooth. Then she pulled.
"Ahhh!" I screamed all the way. She twisted it then forcefully pulled again.
"Ah!" She groan out.
"Ahhhhh!!!" I yelled. Then it finally came out. Blood was flowing through my mouth.
She opened up her mouth and I did her. I placed it into her front top tooth and pulled.
"Ahhhhh!" She screamed all the way while I pulled. Then I twisted it and pulled forcefully. It finally came out.
"Ahhh!!" She cried while blood flow through.


Unknown:"Alex you're next. Cut out 5 living and growing things from your body in 5 minutes."

Alex POV.

"Give us a frickin break!" I yelled.
"Alex, we have to share it. Let's search this kitchen for any tools." I nodded and searched. After 2 minutes of searching, we both meet back into the living room. We bought the cooler with the ice still in it. Incase we cut of our body parts we can it can get stitch back. We got the pliers, a chopper, a big knife, a small knife and a flower cutter.
"Let's start we only have 3 minutes left." Aria said.
I ripped out a grain of my hair and out it in the cooler.
"Rip out an eyelash." Aria did what she was told and put it in the cooler.
"What else?" She asked.
"The pliers. Give it to me." I took it and place it in my finger nail. I pulled it off. Rip clean off.
"Ahhh!!" I cried.
"Hurry we got 2 minutes left. We need 2 more living things that grow in your body." Aria said.
"Cut of my toe." She said.
"What!?" I asked,yelled.
"Do it!" She said. I hesitate, but took the big knife and place it into her baby toe.
"Ready?" I asked. She nodded.
"Now!" She yelled, and with one chop I cut her left pinky toe of clean. We throw the toe and finger nail into the cooler.
"1 more minute left!" She yelled in pain.
"I don't know, what else?" I asked.
"My foot cut it off." She said.
"No! Are you crazy." I asked.
"Please.. just do it! I deserve it anyway." She said.
"You deserve nothing. No one did." I told her.
"Please, we are running out of time. Just do it." I cried but took the chopper and slammed it into her left foot. "Ahhh!!" She cried. I continue to cry, while I cut it off completely. We both cried.
Time was up. Blood was all over the living room.
A bell then rang.


"Bring it on you b*tch!" I yelled.

Unknown:"Kill your best friend or your best friend kills you."

I took the phone from Aria's hand and slammed it in the wall.
"Do it!" Aria said.
"Do what!?" I asked.
"Kill me.." I cut her off.
"We die together or survive together." I told her.
"Please don't let me be punished more. I'll have to suffer because of my feet and more. Just kill me." She said.

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