What To Do

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sadies POV:

"You do like me...right?" he said in the saddest and cutest voice.

What am I supposed to do! What am I going to say. " O God help me out here I am freaking out. " I said to myself.

"Sadie?" Niall said interrupting my thoughts

"Yeah? " I said try not to make it a question but it came out as one anyway .

"Do you like me?" he said playing with his fingers

What am I going to say, I mean I like him ,but the rest of the boys, except for zayn because he's engaged, like me too. Yes, he is really good looking and has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen, and when I look straight it to them I could just melt into his arms and fall fast asleep. "Well, yes, but..." I begin to say when he interrupts me

"You do!" he look at me with the best smile and his beautiful blue eyes. I could pass out right now."Well since you finally decided on that, can I ask you one more question?"

"You can ask me after I finish," I said continuing what I was saying, "Yes I like you, but three of you lads out there like me to so..."

I paused wait for him to ask his question."My question is.....Will you be willing to go out with me?" he asked smiling ear to ear.I sit there for a second gathering my thoughts on what I need to say.

"Niall, love, you do realize we just meet like a couple hours ago, right?" I ask continuing, "And don't get me wrong, you are really hot. I mean you eyes are so beautiful and blue, but I don't want to do any thing to break up the band or your friendship with them."I say pointing out that I didn't want to hurt the band.

I was turning red, I could feel my face getting hot. Why wasn't he answering, did I say something wrong. O my god I did didn't I, I need to apologies and leave. But before I could he started laughing."Are you crazy?.....Don't answer that you not crazy, you beautiful. I don't think that you dating me would hurt the band,In fact if you go out with me we can tell them tomorrow somehow, ok?"he said trying to get me to say yes.

"Niall, if you say so, then I guess I will go out with you." I say turning red even more.

I can't believe I just said yes, I am going out with Niall Horan. I am so happy. "Well than, I never got to ask you what happened to your arm?" He asked

Well I had almost forgot all about my arm, to be honest it is beginning to hurt a little bit know."Well It is a long story do you want to hear it all?" I questioned him he nodded a yes and I continued the story,"Me and my brother were riding our bikes up and down the hill at the beginning of the road.He told me four times on the way up he didn't want to ride bikes anymore, and I keep saying it will be the last time, we can go inside after this. As we made it to the top, I said go and off we went. little did I know he was still trying to run me off the road from the game we had been playing earlier. So after I got back on the road I slammed my front tire into his back tire," I passed to catch a breath of air before I went on,"But when I tried to pull away, I couldn't. My bike just keep tilting towards the ground, until I hit the pavement and it went down hill from there, literally. I slide 2 more feet, because of how fast I was going down hill.to make it short my brother landed in the grass and I split my elbow right in half. So are you sleepy yet, I know that story was boring. "

My brother is in college at the moment.

He look at me for a second I guess gathering some thoughts to say, but next thing I knew I felt his soft lips press against mine and that time I did melt, straight into his arm. Until we were interrupted by a knock on the bedroom door. "Hey, we are hungry out here, if you don't mind love, could you order pizza or something?"I heard Louis say from the other side of the door.

"Yeah sure, I will be right there."I replied then giving Niall a quick peek on the cheek before we made are way to the living room.

I hope you like it so far. Please share and tell all your friends about it and don't forget to like and comment.-Ans

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