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Lainey's POV

My eyelids flutter open to the light seeping through them. I blink my eyes a couple of times so I can get used to the brightness. My fingers seep into the soft and lushes.

I sit up and find that I had fallen asleep at the park. It felt nice though. Nothing disturbed me while I slept. I slept really good. I haven't had a goodnight sleep since I found those pictures.

What if they're here right now? The people who took the picture?

I listen very closely to find only the noises of the birds chirping. I keep caution while I stand up. I do a full 360 then start to walk home.

I keep looking back to make sure nobody is following me. I see no one except a little kid playing with his dog.

I unlock the door to my house and freeze. My father is sleeping on the couch. He must've waited for me last night to come home. I mentally slap myself.

I walk over to the couch and gently shrug his shoulder. He groans quietly. I don't want to wake him, but I have to tell him I'm safe.

"Dad. It's me, Lainey. I'm home," I whisper.

His eyes shot open almost immediately. He sits up and has a stern look on his face. "Why did you not come home last night?" he raises his voice. "I was worried Lainey!"

I cringe. He never yells, only if he needs to. "I'm sorry father. It's just-"

"You don't know what was going through my mind!" he lowers his voice on the last sentence. " I thought they did something to you."

He looks down. I feel pretty bad now since he said that last sentence. I walk over to him and hug him. Even though I started trembling at the thought; I still do because he needs me. He looks up at me and I see he had tears running down his face.

"I don't want to lose her again. You look so much like your mom. So beautiful," he whispers.

I hug him even harder and kiss the top of his head. "I won't let them get me again, father, I promise."

He nods and kisses my cheek then let's me go. "I'm sorry for crying," he chuckles.

I smile. "It's okay. I'm sorry for not coming home."

"Just don't do it again." He points a finger at me. "Where were you anyways?"

"The park!" I yell on the way up the stairs to my room.

When I get up to my room, I take a quick shower. I put on a faded looking pink dress with a white jean jacket and undergarments.

To: Natalie

Hey! You want to go downtown and grab lunch? Then go book shopping?

Not even a minute later, she replies back.

From: Natalie

Of course! I've been craving for a sandwich at Subway and their amazing cookies. I'll only go book shopping if we go to Michael's. I need new paints.

To: Natalie

Deal. Meet you at yours.

I grab my phone and wallet and put on comfortable flats. I wave goodbye to my father and slip out the door.

Since I don't have a car, I mostly walk everywhere or ride with Natalie. I don't really mind walking, it gives me time to think.

I start to turn the corner when I hear yelling behind me. I turn around and see Louis running down his yard; Niall frowning and chasing after him.

Niall sees me and runs over to me, forgetting about Louis. "Hey Ney!"

Niall tackles me in a hug and I can feel his warmth. I raise an eyebrow. "Ney?"

He stops in front of me and gets his breathing under control. "Yeah. That's your new nickname. LaiNEY? Get where I got it from?"

"Niall, I don't think she wants a new nickname," Louis laughs, when he's nears us. He hugs me then gives me a smile.

"No! It's okay. I don't mind. I'm going to grab lunch with Natalie then we're going to get a few things. Care to come with?" I ask them both.

"Yes! A million times yes!" Niall screams, jumping up and down.

Louis and I start to laugh, making Niall glare at us but he ends up grinning. We walk the rest of the way downtown and I see that Natalie invited Liam. I grin, they're look adorable together. She looks up and sees us.

"I always freak out when I see you guys. You're freaking famous!" she says. "How could I have not noticed? I love you guys. Maybe it's that the paparazzi isn't after you. I'm surprised they aren't after you right now."

After we stop talking for a bit, we go and order our lunches and sit outside. We have a pretty unusual conversation, with Niall throwing in food facts.

My phone starts to vibrate and I see that I've got a message.

From: Zayn

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

I frown. Does he have a reason for apologizing? I try to think of anything he's done to make me get upset. I find none. Why would he apologize if he hasn't done anything?

To: Zayn

What are you apologizing for if you haven't done anything to me to be sorry for?

I wait and wait, but I get no reply back, leaving me worried.

First of all, thank you guys for 1K reads!! *Squealing* I really am happy and it's all because of you guys. :D Sorry this chapter was... sucky. lol. Next chapter I'll have a Zayn's POV on this. Remember to Vote and Comment!! Love you my sqwinklas.

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