91. But I Thought...

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*The next Day, Scotland*

I opened my eyes and yawned, rolling out of my bunk and onto the floor. The long bus ride keeping me from getting a good nights sleep.

“Ugg, I hate mornings.” I mumbled to myself. I stood and stumbled to the kitchen aria. Harry was on the couch eating a bagel.

“Mornin',” I mumbled, opening a cabinet and pulling out two pieces of bread and stuck them in the toaster. After the toast was finished I stuck them on a plate and buttered them, after I was done I grabbed my food and sat down next to Harry, taking a bite.

“So.” He said, his eyes on his bagel. I sighed my mouth full of toast. I swallowed,

“Just tell me Harry.” I said, keeping my voice soft

“I’ve been thinking a lot about what Sherry said, right before she shot me.” He said, I looked over confused. “How she thought you where the reason her sister was killed.” He said quietly, I nodded, my throat tightening.

“Yeah, she would often remind me how it was my fault.” I managed, Harry gave me a look.

“I'm so sorry.” He said, looking down again.

“It's okay. I have realized now how much of a liar she was.” I smiled, looking over at Harry. "You boys have helped me become a real person again." I said, 

“But you don't laugh.” He said, I nodded.

“No I don't.” I said, looking down.

"Why?" He asked, 

"Niall asked me the same question. And the best answer I can come up with is I've forgotten how. I spent so long hiding my emotions laughing is almost forbidden by my mind." I said, sighing.

"Maybe we will get you to laugh." Harry said, 

"Maybe." I sighed, my appetite gone. 

"Audrey!" Louis mumbled form his bunk.

"What?" I asked, 

"Your stupid phone is ringing! Answer it!" He said, still mostly asleep.

"As you wish your Highness." I said sarcastically, getting up from my seat. I found my phone in my backpack, quickly answering it.

"Hello?" I said, 

"Yes, I am looking for a Miss. Audrey Bree." A female voice said on the other line. 


"I am calling with information about your mother.." 

"Whoa! Wait what?" 

"Your mother, Christine Phillips." 

"M-my mothers name is Sandra Bree. She's dead." I stuttered. 

"It says here on Christine's information she had a daughter at 5:37 P.M. 1994 on the 7th of April. Is this not correct?" 

"Yes, that's my birthday but-." 

"And where you where put up for adoption at the age of 1 month old and adopted by Dan and Sandra Bree?" 

"No, I don't think so! I was born into the Bree family." I said, close to tears.

"Miss. Bree, I am here to say that was not your real family. Your Mother is still alive." 

"Wh-where is she?" I breathed, 

"Safe Hands Care Centre in Atlanta Georgia." 

"Why is she there?" 

"She underwent great emotional trauma after the death of her husband eighteen years ago. It caused her to revert to her teenage years." 

"Is she… going to be okay?" 

"She is no harm to herself or others." 

"Then why, after all this time are you calling me?" I asked, my tears replaced with anger.

"You are no longer a minor and are able to take care of her now…" 

"I can't do this! I'm on Tour right now in Scotland." 

"Ma'am, I understand. But we need the room for other patients who need our care." 

"But what if this Christine isn't my Mother?" 

"She is Miss. Bree. Have no worries." 

"What happened to my Father?"

"He was killed during a robbery." The lady said, beginning to sound bored. My shoulders slumped, my fight gone.

"When do we need to go get her?" I asked, 

"As soon as possible." 

"The best I can do is in two weeks." I said, the schedule running through my mind.

"We will be waiting. Thank you for your time." And then she hung up. I dropped my phone into my lap, staring at my back pack. 

"Audrey?" Nialls voice drifted to me. I looked up, shock settling in. He walked over to me and knelt down next to me, his eyes searching mine. "Baby, what's the matter?" He asked, taking my cold hands in his. I looked up at him, my eyes focusing on him.

“Niall, my Mom’s alive.” 

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