What really happened to young Walter Collins?

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Children go missing everyday, it's scary. It's always best to keep your child close to you no matter where you go, psychopaths are everywhere.
Some kids go missing, and are found dead while others are NEVER FOUND.
How about this mystery, read about it and find out for yourself.

In 2008, Clint Eastwood’s film Changeling re-awakened interest in one of the most bizarre and tragic crime stories of the 1920s. Single mom Christine Collins reported her nine-year-old son, Walter, missing in March 1928 from their home in Los Angeles. Five months later, the police brought “Walter” back to Christine, except it wasn’t Walter, and Christine knew it. But the LA police dismissed Christine’s concerns, going so far as to accuse her of terrible mothering and having her committed to a mental hospital.

The real Walter Collins was never found, and over time, authorities came to believe he was one of the victims of convicted child-murderer Gordon Stewart Northcott, although Northcott’s mother offered a confession for killing Walter. Whatever happened to Walter Collins, his body was never found, and no one ever learned what really happened. Nor has it been established with any certainty why the police were so invested in covering up the boy’s disappearance that they brought a different child back to Christine and tried to convince her and the rest of the world that it was Walter.

The idea that a child could go missing is terrifying and tugs at our heartstrings.

My conclusion
I really don't know what happened to Walter but it sure wasn't good.

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