Nathan- Three

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When Nathan woke up for practice on Tuesday he found his father sitting on the kitchen counter, his legs folded under him as he cupped a mug of coffee tightly. "Hey," Nate greeted and his dad looked up, his brown eyes widening for a moment before smiling.

"Is it bad that I like you having practice at seven in the morning?" The older man asked and Nate cracked a smile as he went to the coffee pot to get himself a mug. He didn't like the taste of the liquid at all, but when he had to wake up this early he always attempted to drink it.

"I don't think bad is the right word," Nate said, putting the pot of coffee back in its place so it remained warm when his other parent awoke hours later. "Cruel? Most definitely".

Nathan leaned back against the counter, facing his father, who grinned at him around the rim of his coffee mug. "We haven't talked in a long time, kiddo. I don't even know what's going on with you anymore. How are you? Ready for senior year?"

Nate sipped his coffee, thinking about the question as well as fighting a gag at the taste. "I don't know. Maybe". Nathan took another sip of the drink before sighing and crossing the room to pour it down the sink. "That stuff is awful". He went to the fridge, withdrawing a chocolate protein shake. He was about to leave the room to get his shoes, thinking he could leave the house early that morning to arrive at the courts before the rest of the team for a couple minutes of serving warm up, but his father sighed sadly as he retreated, and Nathan stopped.

Instead of leaving, he walked back to the island where his father sat and climbed atop it next to him. "What's up, dad?"

The older man swallowed loudly, and Nathan folded his legs under himself before leaning over and bumping their shoulders together. "Nothing," His dad answered softly. "You're just all grown up. I just feel like we're not as close as we used to be, you know? I'm probably just being stupid because you're leaving in a year, right? I guess I'm just jealous that your father has off all summer and gets to spend everyday with you".

"If it makes you feel any better," Nate began, "I don't spend time with him either. I'm never home during the day". He turned his head to look at his dad, who was staring down at his coffee with tired brown eyes. Nathan thought he looked young, far too young to be a father, with his light hair, wide eyes and round face.

"Yeah," the man spoke softly. "That doesn't make me feel any better". Nathan laughed.

"Family game night," he declared loudly, slapping a hand down onto his father's knee. "This is a declaration. On thursday, we are having a family game night. In two days. No excuses. No work, no tennis, no bull shit. Either you show up, or you're kicked out of the family, just like that". Nate's father grinned at him.

"Good plan".


"What do you mean I can't come over?" Jean demanded. Nate had arrived to the courts only five minutes early, which mean the majority of the team, including his best friend, were already there. The only people absent were Pearson, Lawson, and once again, Coach Renly. "Why can't I come over, Nathan?"

"Because," Nate grumbled, leaning back against the fence and throwing a look at the gate to the courts, hoping to see Glenn arriving. "My dad's going to be home today, and I already have plans".

He turned to meet Jean's eyes as they narrowed suspiciously. "You don't have plans," he said, "who would you have plans with?"

Nathan looked at the court where Preston and Harrison were hitting. In Nathan's opinion, it was far too hot for them to be practicing, even though it was five degrees colder than it was the day before. It was because of the ridiculous heat that Nate, despite showing up early to hit, he had yet to remove his racket from his tennis bag.

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