94. Fun And Games.

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Paul and Louis drove us back to the hotel after the show, all of us hyper and excited after the shows. We all piled into Liam, Zayn and Louis room, Niall, Cat, and Louis starting a Twitcam. Me, Liam, and Aravis began a game of Twister, Harry, and Zayn where on the phone with their families.

"Right hand, red." Aravis read out, Liam and I both moved our positions. "Left hand, green" she read, I moved placing my hand on the green circle. "Right foot, blue," Aravis began laughing at us. "Left foot, red" 

"What? How is that going to happen?" I asked looking over Liam's back, 

"It's what it says," She laughed. Liam brought his leg out and placed his foot on the red circle, 

"Thanks, Li." I said sarcastically as I moved my foot over. Laughter filled the room and I looked up. Harry, who was shirtless, had returned and was taking pictures along with Zayn, and Louis who had the computer turned to face us.

"Louis I'm going to kill you!" Liam yelled under me, everyone just laughed harder. 

"L-left hand red!" Aravis laughed, 

"What!" I shouted, I moved my hand on to my foot and toppled over, knocking Liam over at the same time.

"Audrey lost!" Catori yelled, I stood up and brushed myself off. 

"Aravis, I need your help with something." Harry said, staying out of the eye of the camera on the computer. 

"Sure," She said following him into the bedroom. Everyone looked at one another, sly smiles on our faces. I ran over to the door along with Niall, Catori and Louis. Liam left to man the computer. We all stuck our ear to the door, listening.

"They keep texting me." Harry said,

"Don't answer," Aravis replied, 

"Aravis, they'er your parents. I have to reply." 

"No you don't, they can't know Harry." 

"They are going to find out sooner or later." Harry said quietly, we all looked at one another like 'what is going on'. 

"Better later! If they find out we are a couple I am going home! They will pull me off Tour faster than anything." Aravis said, her voice rising.

"What am I supposed to do?" Harry asked, 

"I don't know. Just let me deal with it." 

"Okay, I trust you with this." He said, I imagined him giving her that dimpled smile. 

"Oh all right, but let's not tell the others about this."

"Of course not. They don't need to know." He said, 

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