Finn° No, what?!

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Summary: Nick's live streaming on Twitch, Finn's playing fortnite for the stream, you're on the right side of Finn watching him play, Nicks on his left reading out donations, and Quincy's chillen on Finn's bed from behind. A question on the stream pops up and you and Finn over re-act.


My head leaned back and I yawned.

"How long has this stream gone for?" I asked after my yawn, I sat up properly and kept my eyes on Finn playing fortnite.

"Only 3 hours." Nick responded, I smirked and then rubbed my tired eyes.

"Y/N, watch this. I'm gonna kill him." Finn mumbled, I watched and was impressed when he actually got the elimination.

I started clapping and Finn smiled.

"You're better than Nick and Quincy." I mumbled, I suddenly felt a blow to the head due to Quincy throwing a pillow at me.

He chuckled and I turned around. "Idiot." I whispered then threw it back.

"The chat wants to know, how Y/N became our friend." Nick spoke, my brows raised and I began talking when Finn stopped me.

"I met her on set of 'The 100' we were both extras and basically the only kids on set, this was before ST and IT. We clicked and boom." Finn explained, Nick agreed to Finn's comment and continued reading the chat.

"Favourite ice cram flavour? I'd say mine is pistachio ice cream, isn't that yours too? Y/N?" Nick asked me, I nodded a no.

"No." I replied and the winked at Nick.

Finn started yelling because he was being shot at in the game.

"Finn! Build something." I yelled and pointed at the screen.

Finn then smiled and gulped, "Y/N'a Favourite ice cream flavour is 'Y/F/IC/ F' because it's mine as well." Finn mumbled. I high fived him.

I smiled just thinking about how Finn knew me so well.

Finn POV

Unfortunately, I died and was 2nd place.

"Finn, you did good. Trust!" Nick spoke. I nodded and brushed my curls out of my face. My fingers began fiddling with my eyebrows and I leaned back into the chair.

"We'll read the last donations and then stop the stream, cause Finn and Y/N want to go to Dairy Queen before it closes." Nick explained, I watched
Y/N stood up and jumped onto my bed with Quincy.

I smiled at her as she basically started pillow fighting Quincy.

"A question for Finn and Y/N. I ship them both so would they ever date?" Nick asked, I nervously gulped and me and Y/N laughed.

"What? No, Ha, no, we don't, it's just we don't like each other like that." Me and Y/N both hesitated awkwardly.

Nick laughed his ass off. "Their shipping you in the chat guys." Nick mentioned and smiled at us.

Quincy then leaned forward and talked to the camera/ stream.

"Did you see how both of them started rambling nervously and instantly started denying it. Yeah, they like each other." Quincy explained.

My eyes went wide and I grinned/ blushed as my eyes closed.

Damn it Quincy.

-This was requested! Also apparently I need to do Finn imagines that don't make him so old lol. Well here! ❤️

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